Published Aug 12, 2014
Brian, ASN, RN
3 Articles; 3,695 Posts
As students spending so much time studying its bound to happen to some extent. You know, where you learn about a new disease process and suddenly you find yourself thinking....hmmm....I have THOSE symptoms too. And....when you talk with other students, you find they are in the same boat. What types of illnesses have you developed while in school?
RN403, BSN, RN
1 Article; 1,068 Posts
I pretty much convinced myself that I had every illness under the sun while in school. With each new chapter came a new illness.
2,452 Posts
My biggest "disease" was imagining, obsessing over, just knowing that I'd one of the youngest knee replacement patients in recorded history! I had damaged my left knee badly enough that the orthopedist had told me that I'd have to have a knee replacement eventually. Not for a long time but someday. That, however, was not what my brain decided to hear.
I was determined not to give up skiing and to become a nurse. I think what saved me so I could both ski and work as a nurse, was my mom's insistence that I wear surgical weight support hose whenever I worked. I absolutely HATED those **** things! But since she bought me several pair, I wore the silly things! They were awful! I could have gone for a minimum of six months without shaving my legs, and no one would have known, but that's OK, because they helped save my own knee which I still have.
la_chica_suerte85, BSN, RN
1,260 Posts
Cancer -- especially after we got through the cervical and ovarian lectures (any deviation in the cycle or extra bad cramps and ). Right now, though, I have a cold and keep crossing my fingers it's not Ebola with which I have been obsessed for the past several weeks. Every time my sinuses act up I'm afraid I have some wicked S. aureas infection that is going to devour my face.
I'm a strange bird.
javadown2, BSN
54 Posts
Well...while taking my CNA course before getting into my nursing program I found out I have Hypertension (mild). Teacher says there is usually one person she points out a quarter. I'm working on the diet now and back to exercising more and have it under control now.