Accredited vs. Nonaccredited

Nurses General Nursing


Specializes in Long.

I am currently an lpn going to rn school. And I wanted to know does anyone know if it matters if you attend an rn school that is not accredited an order to work or on bsn. An other words if I attend an rn school thats not accredited will I be able to work on getting my bsn.

It could be a problem. Some schools and even some employers such as the military require graduation from an accredited school. Your best bet is to go to an accredited school.

Specializes in Educator/ICU/ER.

Where I am, you can take the NCLEX after graduating from a achool without accreditation, but if you want to go on with your education, NONE of the credits may transfer to an accredited school.

Specializes in Cardiac Nursing.

Some schools is a case by case basis, they may accept only your nursing courses and not your gen ed...or nothing at all. I was accepted to UK's RN-BSN program, but couldn't start. UK itself would not accept my credits from the school I went too, Galen. BUT the College of Nursing recognized my degree since the school is approved by the BON and accepted the credits from my nursing classes. Fortunately my gen ed classes were from other colleges. But to make your life easier try to go to the accredited school. My Alma Mater RN school is working on theirs, but it takes several years and lots of money to get it. Also, some employers won't even interview you if you didn't go to an "accredited" school even once you've passed boards and are licensed. Happened to me, so I know of what I speak.

Specializes in Pediatrics.

What type of accreditation are you talking about? If the school is not accredited to grant a college degree, this could be problematic going forward. if you are talking about NLN, it really doesn't make a difference.

Specializes in Cardiac Nursing.
What type of accreditation are you talking about? If the school is not accredited to grant a college degree, this could be problematic going forward. if you are talking about NLN, it really doesn't make a difference.

It does for some places. For colleges its whatever regional accreditation that the schools in that state have that's the kicker. If your school is accredited through a NATIONAL accreditation like The Council on Occupational Education it will cause difficulty when you attempt to go to one of your state's public colleges/universities which are likely regionally accredited though most are also NLN accredited. NLN accreditation seems to count for certain employers. I applied for a job and was informed that I would not be offered an interview because my school was not NLN accredited even though I was already licensed....nice huh? My alma mater is a member of the NLN, just not accredited through them yet.

If you want to go in the military, even the reserves, your school of nursing HAS to be accredited. A nurse who I used to work with was in the Army Reserves. Because her Diploma School of Nursing was not accredited, she had to go in as enlisted. She enrolled in a BSN program, and when she graduated, she was able to get commisioned. Hope that helps.

Lindarn, RN, BSN, CCRN

Spokane, Washington

Specializes in Cardiac Nursing.

All nursing schools are accredited in one way or's the type of accreditation and who by that seems to be the real kicker.

I am currently an lpn going to rn school. And I wanted to know does anyone know if it matters if you attend an rn school that is not accredited an order to work or on bsn. An other words if I attend an rn school thats not accredited will I be able to work on getting my bsn.

I think, I get the gist of what you're asking. I wish I new more...Is it a new school, private school, applied for accredittation or are they not considering accreditation?

For employment, does it matter if the school you have attended is not an accredited school? In most cases, it does not matter. (But in this environment that may change) Most employers (Not the military or Travel agencies) require new grad to be eligible to sit for the state Nclex or pass the NCLEX exam.

For a BSN degree, does it matter if the school you have attended is not an accredited school? It depends on the school, most schools have agreement with Universities to (directly) transfer or honor others schools nursing degrees. Again, alot BSN programs require you to have a valid RN license and completion of prequisites. The big deal is will they honor your previous classes if there is no agreement in place.

Check out the schools offering a BSN and look at their requirements for RN to BSN.

Good Luck

Accreditation doesn't matter all that much, approval by the BON in the state where you want to get licensed and work is key.

A lot of people are mentioning issues about transfer credit from schools that are not accredited, etc., etc., but keep in mind that going forward some schools will work with you on transfer credits and others won't. Some are pretty inflexible even with people who have degrees from accredited institutions.

Some nursing schools e.g. have a list of prerequisites that closely matches the one at the community college that is local to their area. So if you went to school out of the area or if you went to a private school then they might not take for example a math or english course just because your private school (and the private school could be Harvard) didn't call these classes what they are called in the local community college system. So bottom line - whether you go with a school is accredited or not look for a school that will accept your credits and you will be fine. Don't waste time with a school that gives you the run around and sends you off on a prereq chase. If they don't want your money then take it elsewhere.

Specializes in Long.

thanks to all who replied. All the information was helpful. But to answer some questions. The school is not accredited by the NLN but is accredited in everything else. And once your finish your able to sit for the boards and they also have an BSN program. So once again thanks for everything, and I am goin to take my chances with this school!

thanks to all who replied. All the information was helpful. But to answer some questions. The school is not accredited by the NLN but is accredited in everything else. And once your finish your able to sit for the boards and they also have an BSN program. So once again thanks for everything, and I am goin to take my chances with this school!

Have you tried to call another school, like a University BSN program, and see what they have to say about it? Or the BON? That would be my first choice to get advice.

Lindarn, RN, BSN, CCRN

Spokane, Washington

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