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Hi everyone

I am now confused.

What does it mean to be Nationally accredited by The Accrediting Commission of the Council on Occupational Education?

I really don't get it. Who do you have to be accredited by to later on go further in your career. Let' s say you will be bounced around from state to state. You get your license in one state, and want to continue you education in another, will your credits transfer over? Will you be able to get a job, being of a different accreditation (sp)?

I'm lost! Help!

Thanks for any information


Hi--Accreditation is about your school, not you, so that should relieve some of your distress!

Different states accept the licenses of other states as proof that you meet their (the accepting states') requirements. This is called "reciprocity." Some states do and some states don't. You just have to check with the licensing agencies (a part of the state government) of the "receiving" state to find out if they will accept your credential/degree/license. While most of them have the info on their website, I have found it most helpful to actually call and talk to a human being. They process these requests all the time.

Various professional organizations evaluate and then approve or disapprove (accredit or not accredit) various schools' curricula. Accreditation is also a responsibility of some regional organizations. Most schools will be happy to tell you who accredits them. (If nobody does, or they don't want to tell you, find another school!)

For nursing, you want a school that is NLN (National League of Nursing) accredited. I'm not saying you won't get licensed if you go to a school that isn't, but if a school isn't NLN, it hasn't met the NLN's basic requirements, and it is the NLN's exam (NCLEX) you will have to pass to get a license.

Hope this helped....

Specializes in OB.

I just recently moved following graduation. I did not have time before my move to get licensed in the state I graduated in, so I contacted the state I was moving to and they told me in order to get a license in their state I had to have graduated from an accredited school. If my school had not been accredited I would have difficulty getting licensed in another state.

My advice....check out the school you are interested in. Make sure they are accredited. Then you won't have to worry when moving from state to state or trying to further your education.

Also, if you obtain a degree from a non-accredited school you often lose Financial Aid options and any credits you were hoping would transfer for a higher degree (say, ADN to BSN) won't be acceoted by other schools.


Specializes in LTC, Post OP.
Originally posted by MOONIELOVE

Hi everyone

I am now confused.

What does it mean to be Nationally accredited by The Accrediting Commission of the Council on Occupational Education?

I really don't get it. Who do you have to be accredited by to later on go further in your career. Let' s say you will be bounced around from state to state. You get your license in one state, and want to continue you education in another, will your credits transfer over? Will you be able to get a job, being of a different accreditation (sp)?

I'm lost! Help!

Thanks for any information


LPN program, i have gotten in is accredited by the same people, i know many who have graduated and some have even went on and gotten into RN programs. IT mean the school is accredited., So it should not prevent u from going to school to get your ADN or BSN, from what i understand too, my school i salso NLN accredited too

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