Acceptance letters????

U.S.A. Oregon


Has anyone recieved one???? Ive applied to U of P and a few others but the wait is killing me!!!!! I recieved a letter RE: providence scholarship Interview and i was lucky to recieve one!! but i havent heard from U of P yet :confused:

so just wondering about others, let me know and GOOD LUCK!!!!!

Specializes in CNA.

Well I haven't heard from any schools except U of P.... so as soon as I find out, I'll let you know. Ideally, I love to go to OHSU, but also Linfield has a great program.

I just want to find out! My impatience is SKY-HIGH hehe :o)

Well, I just got my letter from OHSU ABSN... didn't get in. Waiting on Linfield, now.... still haven't heard back from them.

I just got a letter from OHSU today- wait listed for the ABSN.

It was an envelope, but kind of thick-ish, so if you get one that's probably what that means.

Does anyone know any stats about how many people they usually put on their wait list, or how many wait-listed people end up getting in? They are so vague in their letter!!!

I received a letter from Ohsu, I am also on the wait-list, ( for the record, GPA 3.9 and previous micro-biology degree from UF) there must have been some strong comp out there!!

you have to send them paper work accepting your position on the wait list, I also applied to Linfield and mt hood, Havn't received anything from them yet, a little nervous considering people have received letters from Linfield,

so... have no idea what number on the wait list,Im wondering if you can call and find out?

( for the record, GPA 3.9 and previous micro-biology degree from UF)

Crazy. I'm sorry you didn't get in, but it does make me feel a little bit better about my rejection letter. I was hoping to get waitlisted if I didn't get in and was disappointed that I didn't even make the waitlist. Pretty stiff competition out there.

Thanks, also, I know they accept way less for the accelerated program, Im not sure exactly how many seats it is, so Hopefully chances will be better at some of the other schools,

Im not sure exactly how many seats it is, so Hopefully chances will be better at some of the other schools,

48 seats and they had over 500 applications.

It brakes my heart to know that this girl with a gpa of 3.2 has been accepted to fall term at U of P

Does that mean U of P goes by more than just GPA?

yes, they definately do go off of more than GPA, if you give them other resources. You kind of have to work the system a bit; I went in and spoke to the transfer counsuler when I saw how sporifice the application was. It didn't make sense to me that a liberal arts institution would require so little about an applicant. She said that they do look at extras such as personal statements and resumes if they are in early enough, because they don't have the time to read all of them (which is why they don't require it). As for the girl who got in with a 3.2 GPA, any UP student with a 2.8 or above is automatically accepted into the program, so a 3.2 isn't that rare. Also, if they are a transfer, then they must have had extraordinary supplimentary information. Either way, I think that most schools, including UP, believe that extremely high grades do not accurately predict who will succeed as a nurse, so they look for strong grades as well as other expiriences indicative of healthcare sucess.

Either way, I think that most schools, including UP, believe that extremely high grades do not accurately predict who will succeed as a nurse, so they look for strong grades as well as other expiriences indicative of healthcare sucess.

That's what I was hoping would be the case with the OHSU ABSN. I had a 3.7 cumulative GPA with my previous B.A. degree in Education. (Would've been higher if I hadn't started college at 16 and messed around getting mediocre grades :( ) However, I was hoping that my lack of ultra-high GPA and non-science based prior degree would be offset by some pretty unique/outstanding leadership and volunteer experience I had. I know my essay was very strong... so, I was rather disappointed that I wasn't even wait-listed. I knew it would be tough competition and a bit of a long shot, but still thought I had enough to set me apart and make me a good contender. :( :( :(

I agree, I wish they gave a profile of exactly the people who get in. I feel like I was also strong with a double major in Biology and Psychology and a 3.86 GPA, but apparently not strong enough. I sent an email before I applied asking about how important work or volunteer experience was, and they said most people who are admitted didn't have any. So I can't think of what it might be. Maybe everyone admitted has a 4.0?

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