Accelerated MSN Programs in TX


I'm hearing little blurbs here and there that there are Accelerated MSN programs out there for people with unrelated Bachelor's degrees. I think UT has one, but does anyone know of any others?

Specializes in Med/Surg.
I'm hearing little blurbs here and there that there are Accelerated MSN programs out there for people with unrelated Bachelor's degrees. I think UT has one, but does anyone know of any others?

Go to and click on the option for accelerated MSN in the search menu, a few schools should show up.

I'm hearing little blurbs here and there that there are Accelerated MSN programs out there for people with unrelated Bachelor's degrees. I think UT has one, but does anyone know of any others?

I think Texas Tech has one, but it might be a BSN, not MSN.

I'm hearing little blurbs here and there that there are Accelerated MSN programs out there for people with unrelated Bachelor's degrees. I think UT has one, but does anyone know of any others?

I know a few online universities because I am looking for the best one.University of Delaware and Pheonix offer it. I hope it was helpful.

Specializes in ICU, ER, HH, NICU, now FNP.

There are accelerated RN-MSN programs - however, they arn't very accellerated. Basically what that means is you get your BS on your way to an MS, but you really only get to skip 3 classes or so.

You skip undergrad assessment adn take grad instead (sounds easy but it's a KILLER) you take grad patho and skip undergrad, and You take grad research and skip the uG version. At least thats how it is at TWU...I think UTHSCSA also has a similar program.

The MSN itself can't be accelerated if you already have a BS to my knowledge. States have certain requirements about how long the programs HAVE to take, how many clinical hours etc.

Hope that helps.

I'm hearing little blurbs here and there that there are Accelerated MSN programs out there for people with unrelated Bachelor's degrees. I think UT has one, but does anyone know of any others?

Here is the official listing from the AACN:

These are the schools listed for Texas, which offer an accelerated Bachelor's and/or Master's degree program:

Houston Baptist

Texas Christian University

Texas Women's University

University of Texas - Austin

University of Texas Health Science Center - Houston

University of Texas Medical Branch

Take care! :)


You guys have been extremely helpful. Thanks so much...I think I might have to just go for the Accelerated BSN...Don't know that I have it in me to do the MSN just yet!

That was a great site ....thanks.

Here is the official listing from the AACN:

These are the schools listed for Texas, which offer an accelerated Bachelor's and/or Master's degree program:

Houston Baptist

Texas Christian University

Texas Women's University

University of Texas - Austin

University of Texas Health Science Center - Houston

University of Texas Medical Branch

Take care! :)


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