Abington Dixon School of Nursing Fall 2015 entry applicants?

U.S.A. Pennsylvania


Just wondering if anyone has applied for Fall 2015 entry into evening/weekend at Abington Memorial Dixon School of Nursing? I have applied and the waiting game begins! I wan't this so bad!

Dev512- I'm in the same boat! In thinking I'm going pursue as I originally thought( take my Chem summer 1) and then if by June 26 I dont hear anything from them, I won't rush to finish stats in summer 2. I'm thinking I'll continue on my planned path for summer 1and then by the end of that semester I don't hear anything, I won't kill myself.

I hear you about Dixon but my plan B is LaSalle for the spring evening program at the new town campus.

Jo Reed

iAngel_G-- my letter did not state what the reason was. I'm just guessing I'm on the wait list due to me having to finish some classes. That's all I can think of! My TEAS, grades and GPA are all very good so I'm not really sure what the reason is for me 😕

Jo Reed

NurseJoReed- Yea I started looking into LaSalle too, because of their evening program. I did my pre-reqs at Manor college and they have a dual admissions with LaSalle and Dixon, so a lot of my classes are the ones that are required to apply there. I keep telling myself that at least it wasn't a no from Dixon, and there is still a chance. However, right now I am looking into Holy Family and LaSalle. I may try Aria Frankford Nursing school also. Keeping my hopes up for something to happen!

I had my sights on Dixon. I'll begin looking just to see what else there is out there, but i really had my heart set on Abington. June 26th is another long wait >_

montco has a good program and also harcum college as well if you are in need of schools to look into

Who else was accepted into the evening weekend program? Did anyone figure out if we could start that Facebook page for class of 2017? Hoping we get to know each other a little before classes start!

Hi Kristen,

I message you on fb.

Hi RmcC17,

i just got accepted too in the evening program. Hope to get to know somebody before we start too. Maybe U can find u in fb?

My name is Karen Smith; you are welcome to find me on Facebook if you'd like! It's a common name, so I'm trying to add my profile picture here to match my FB picture.

Hello everyone! has anyone who was on the waiting list heard from Dixon yet?

I just saw the comments ..wanted to have more info from you..

did you hear anything about Dixon merging with jefferson? I want to apply for the Jefferson BSN but I don't want to have to travel to philly. I wish Dixon would merge their program with Jefferson instead of Penn State

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