AACC Spring 2012 hopefuls?

U.S.A. Maryland


Hello fellow MD nurses!

I'm just looking to see if there are any prospective Spring 2012 students at AACC? I'm finishing up A&P2 this summer and will be putting my application in in the fall. Anyone take the TEAS yet? Any advice? I'll probably take mine in August when I'm done with classes so I can focus on studying for that as opposed to my other classes.

Orientation tomorrow!!!

I am getting sooo excited! I can't wait for us all to get started on a journey! :)

Woops ... our journey*

I'm so excited for orientation tomorrow morning! It might make it all seem a little more real :)

Can't believe its tomorrow, time went by so fast! Looking forward to meeting all of you!! (:

So what did you guys think of the orientation?

So what did you guys think of the orientation?

Well thanks to this site, I felt like we (or atleast I) already had an idea about a lot of the stuff that was discussed. The most important thing I got out of it was that the course load is considered full time. That's a big relief for me. It's nice that we got a tentative schedule but that book list was intense! Which section are you guys in? I'm in 002!

I'm 002 as well!

I'm in 002 also :)

I'm in 849 or whatever the hybrid number was. Did anyone get Hybrid that was hoping for it since a couple of people backed out of it?

I wanted hybrid before I knew the schedule. I have 2 young boys that will be doing sports on the weekends and I'm not willing to give up my weekends for the next 2 years. I'd rather be in school while they're in school and be there to see their games on the weekends.

I wanted hybrid before I knew the schedule. I have 2 young boys that will be doing sports on the weekends and I'm not willing to give up my weekends for the next 2 years. I'd rather be in school while they're in school and be there to see their games on the weekends.

Were you the one that switched out of hybrid?

I know we don't need scrubs yet, but I want to buy them now! And my stethoscope. Medisave isn't offering the free shipping anymore though...

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