A Post about Odoriforous Emanations

Nursing Students General Students


Well, not really lol. I'm a brand new nursing student (only 16.5 months to go) and I'm a meticulously clean person. I shower before AND after clinicals. I use Soft n Dri antiperspirant/deodorant aerosol that I've used since I was 12. But now it's like it doesn't work, I mean I do NOT smell but I notice a difference. We work hard on our clinical floor, many of us girls are dripping with sweat at the end of our 2 - 4.5 hour days. I figured since we have posts of 'what's the best black pen' I could ask 'what is the best antiperspirant/deodorant' that you all recommend. Please don't flog me for the question, I honestly what to know. Thanks in advance.

Dove works great! I used to have a major problem with deodorants b/c they were too thick, but with Dove, it's soft, but you don't have to worry about A THING! I highly suggest trying that.

I love and SWEAR by Degree...I swear its worked the best for me! All day strong and long!!

I can not stand Secret deodorant! Its like Im putting on water under my arms when I use Secret..But I have always and will continue to use Degree. All the scents and types are great. Also Degree, has come out with a Clinical prescription strength anti/deo.

I swear with you. I do, I do , I do.... I LUV the stuff. I carry extra in my bag. After a few hours, I go to the restroom and use a wet wipe and clean under my arms and then reapply. It isn't always needed, I just do it for my own peace of mind.

I don't want to put the aluminum salts in anti-perspirant on my skin and maybe into my system, but there are days when Tom's of Maine deodorant just isn't enough. Then I put baking soda under my arms after the deodorant and it does the trick.

Specializes in Post Anesthesia.

Won't use anything but Aaird XX Dry, Hard to find the unscented at times but Wallmart carries it.

I guess I'm lucky, my antipersp. makes it thru the shift...

Or I just cant smell myself


I too used Soft and Dri since I started wearing deodorant. Not sure why it stopped working or not working as well. But I now swear by degree. I tried a free sample they were giving out in Walmart last summer and it rocks. I would definitely give it a try.

I like Dove best. For some reason Secret clinical strength hasn't done much for me. I have such sensitive skin that a lot of brands cause rashes and swelling; it's not fun. And I get wet. I do take some to work with me, and if it starts to get bad, I head for the bathroom, get a damp paper towel, wipe off, dry and add more deodorant. On my worst days I swear I'm going to Botox.

both my active teenage boys, c/o bo.

their axe and other designer antiperspirants, weren't working.

i got them mitchum, and they both say it works great.

since i do their laundry, i can attest they no longer have bo.

for me, i like ban.

never tried degree...think i will.


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