Published Nov 21, 2007
kukukajoo, LPN
1,310 Posts
Never heard of such a thing before today when doc told me she was sending me home with one next week. Ugghhh.
Can anyone tell me about this? I know about Holters but never heard of this and cant find any information anywhere....
132 Posts
The one I wore at home, was about the size of a holter, and it recorded 24 hour periods. It had a band and you could wear it around your neck, or waist. Did not really bother, except at night, when it goes off more, or with exertion.
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
They measure oxygen saturation at the capillary level. They are used all of the time in the hospital setting and can be placed on a finger, ear, etc. If your physician is suspecting that you are dropping your oxygen saturation for some reason, then they would want to check it out. Perhaps in an initial test for sleep apnea before doing any further testing.
There is actually much on the internet about it. Patients in critical care areas are routinely on these 24/7 just as they are on cardiac monitors. And it does not interfere with anything.
But if concerned about it, suggest that you speak to your physician about it.
Thanks, I have done a search and only come up with an article about them and COPD and another ad for them for sale. I must be typing in the wrong search terms.
Not worried about it, just curious as I had never heard about it before. It was a bit of a surprise I was going to have one.
Doc may suspect apnea, as she has mentioned it before, we shall see if I desat during the nite. All I want/need is clearance for my T & A scheduled during winter break.
SICU Queen
543 Posts
T & A?? Wow, do you have to have it done?? That's a rough surgery for an adult.
meownsmile, BSN, RN
2,532 Posts
My mother is on a sat monitor tonight as a matter of fact. They are monitoring here for home o2 use and getting it certified for medicare to pay for it. She wasnt able to complete the cpap testing because of the chlostrophobia caused from the mask. She is better off with o2 on at night rather than without anything. Hers is only overnight,, and they have to have at least a 4 hour stretch to monitor continuously without o2 on to make sure the sats are low enough.
MA Nurse
676 Posts
Never heard of such a thing before today when doc told me she was sending me home with one next week. Ugghhh. Can anyone tell me about this? I know about Holters but never heard of this and cant find any information anywhere....
NICU babies are on them all of the time. They aren't new. Suzanne explained it perfectly.
Yep, I need the surgery for sure and put them off since August as my school schedule will not let me take time off to recover. Not looking forward to it at all.
On a side note- I just read a journal article I found while searching for info showing that nearly 50% of COPD pts desaturated at night which makes me wonder why they don't increase O2 at night more often.
36 Posts
T's and A's removal can reduce apnoea, at least in ped's. Many many of our chilldren have obstructive sleep apnoea and regular desats preop.
classicdame, MSN, EdD
7,255 Posts
We send babies home with them frequently. Lets the parents and the MD know under what circumstances o2 level drop/increase. Good information and fairly temporary.
Thank you.