A&P and Micro together?


Specializes in PICU/Pedi.

Has anyone taken these two classes together? I have already registered for the fall to take these two, along with nutrition and speech. I keep hearing, though, that's it's a bad idea to take the two together because it's too hard. I need to take them, because they are the last of my pre-reqs to getting into nursing school (assuming I can take A&P II in the spring, and hopefully with nursing classes). My nursing advisor didn't say a word when I told her I would be taking them together, so I figured it's doable. But now I'm starting to get scared!

I was a Registered Massage Therapist for 7 years, so I have a little familiarity with A&P, since we had to study it. I know we have to know it on a much deeper level as nursing students, but it's not like I haven't studied it at all. I know it will be tough, esp. because the sciences are not my strongest subject. I made 2 A's in math this last year, though, and think that if I can pull that off, I can do just about anything! :lol2:

What are your thoughts and/or experiences? Any advice is welcome.


Great Question. I'm in the same boat - 3 classes left API, APII and Micro so If I don't take Micro w/AP it will be three more semesters instead of two. I've been asking the same question to those I know and they say it will be a tough semester, but doable. I won't have any other classes besides those two though. Good Luck

I took A&P II and micro together. It was tough but I came out with an A in A&P and a B in Micro. They both require a lot of studying but you can do it. The hard thing was all the finals and exams were the same week so I had to study like a mad woman!

Specializes in SNU/SNF/MedSurg, SPCU Ortho/Neuro/Spine.

I am taking american literature this month (we hae full time everyday 6 hours a day classes for a month) and in june will take ap1 and july ap2 finishing summer with micro!

Specializes in Home Care, Hospice, OB.

it really depends on your time management and study skills, and whether you can put the rest of your "normal" life on hold or not (ie, kids, job, laundry--just buy more sox and underwear!):bugeyes:

when i started nursing school, i had been a sahm for five years, out of college for eight. the program only started in sept, and required a&p i and ii, as well as organic and inorganic chem prior to the fall semester. i got back to the states from germany (military) in late april. therefore, my only option was to take all four classes over the summer.

it was a bear, and i was told that only a few students had ever done this before and passed, which both scared me and ticked me off. so, i had eight hours a day of classes for twelve weeks (a&p all morning, chem all afternoon). i made a's in all four classes, but got a bleeding ulcer in the process (my kids were 4&5 @the time!!)

so, it can be done, but not much else will get done in your life during this time..:smokin:

I'm in the same boat as you, but not till next spring. When my counselor did my schedule for me she said that those were the two best to double up since I knew I would have to double up somewhere in order to finish a year from now. I had planned to double up chem and bio, but she told me not to since I also needed to do my refresher of algerbra and suggested it would be better to do that first along with just one of the sciences.

Specializes in PICU/Pedi.

Eeek! Yes, I know I will have no life, and no clean clothes all next semester, but I might as well get used to it, since I hear that's how all of nursing school is.

I have two-year-old twins, which just complicates things even more! But I live with my mom, so I don't have to work, and can get away with less housework.

Csantos, you have a fun summer ahead of you! :lol2:

Specializes in Emergency Medicine, Psychiatric Crisis.

I took A+P2 online and Micro in Class. I had Micro once a week ( Evey Sat from 8-1:30. It was very manageable+ I was working full time. Having one of the classes online made my life very very easy. I got an A in micro and a B+in A+P.

Specializes in progressive care telemetry.

Hey Nepenthe Sea I have 2 year old twins too!

I am taking A&P3 and Micro together this term and it's actually working out really well. A lot of the concepts we're learning in micro are also part of the systems we're working on in A&P so I am having a lot of these moments :idea: this term.

I responded on a different but similar thread that I took Anatomy, Micro, and Physiology (three separate 5 credit classes) all at the same time. I actually loved it. So it can be done!

Specializes in PICU/Pedi.
Hey Nepenthe Sea I have 2 year old twins too!

I am taking A&P3 and Micro together this term and it's actually working out really well. A lot of the concepts we're learning in micro are also part of the systems we're working on in A&P so I am having a lot of these moments :idea: this term.

Alright! Nothing like two-year-old twins!

I thought the two classes might complement each other - at least, I was hoping so.


Oh and Nepenthe - I didn't have 2 year old twins when I took all three classes, but I did have three kids ages 6,5 and 3!

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