Rose_Queen BSN, MSN, RN

OR, Nursing Professional Development

Editorial Team / Admin

About Rose_Queen

Rose_Queen has 19 years experience as a BSN, MSN, RN and specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.

Rose_Queen started her nursing career over a decade ago in the OR as a new grad. She has experience in multiple surgical specialties and currently works as a Nursing Professional Development Specialist.

Curious about the OR? New to the OR and have questions or want advice? I'd love to chat! Feel free to private message me or post in the OR nursing forum under specialties

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  1. Please note: Post(s) have been edited or removed to protect your privacy and/or to comply with our Community Terms of Service. To create a special place for your cohort: 1. Members with at least 15 post...
  2. Please note: Post(s) have been edited or removed to protect your privacy and/or to comply with our Community Terms of Service. To create a special place for your cohort: 1. Members with at least 15 post...
  3. Rose_Queen

    Tallahassee Community College (TCC) fall 2024

    Please note: Post(s) have been edited or removed to protect your privacy and/or to comply with our Community Terms of Service. To create a special place for your cohort: 1. Members with at least 15 post...
  4. Rose_Queen

    Roseman University CRNA 2024

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  5. Rose_Queen

    HIPAA Violation?

    HIPAA most likely no, your employer's policy possibly.
  6. Rose_Queen

    Chabot College Fall 2024

    Please note: Post(s) have been edited or removed to protect your privacy and/or to comply with our Community Terms of Service. To create a special place for your cohort: 1. Members with at least 15 post...
  7. Rose_Queen

    Grossmont College Fall 2024

    Please note: Post(s) have been edited or removed to protect your privacy and/or to comply with our Community Terms of Service. To create a special place for your cohort: 1. Members with at least 15 post...
  8. Rose_Queen

    Golden West College (GWC) ADN Fall 2024

    Please note: Post(s) have been edited or removed to protect your privacy and/or to comply with our Community Terms of Service. To create a special place for your cohort: 1. Members with at least 15 post...
  9. Rose_Queen

    Mandatory Overtime

    Exactly this. It isn't the employer's responsibility to know your hours at another job. How that works out legally I can't say for sure because the laws vary by state, but many include the language of "the employer" which I would interpret as one ent...
  10. Rose_Queen

    Why are there no jobs for experienced nurses anymore?

    The travel nursing bubble has popped, so all of those nurses who left their full time job to travel are returning in droves. In just the last 3 months, my department (not hospital, just department) has seen 6 nurses return and 5 travelers convert to ...
  11. Rose_Queen

    Miami Dade College (MDC) 2024 Fall Term

    Please note: Post(s) have been edited or removed to protect your privacy and/or to comply with our Community Terms of Service. To create a special place for your cohort: 1. Members with at least 15 post...
  12. Rose_Queen

    Head to toe

    Hello, please discuss your concerns with your care team. The members of allnurses cannot comment on individual concerns. We wish you well. Thread closed.
  13. Rose_Queen

    This was interesting in the news today...

    Sadly, the city of Lancaster about an hour/hour and a half away had a completely opposite reaction to drag queen story time. Drag story hour at library canceled after suspicious package and threats, authorities say
  14. Rose_Queen

    Can an OR nurse become a nurse practitioner?

    I have worked with several nurses with only OR experience who have gone on to graduate an NP Program. Also consider this: there are direct entry NP programs out there (whether people agree with their premise or not - I personally don't) where one doe...
  15. Rose_Queen

    Do I need a lawyer?

    What you're describing sounds like a root cause analysis or RCA, which is not any kind of a hearing but a way to find where in the system the breakdown occurred and how to prevent a similar mix up from happening in the future.