Tarrant County College Fall 2012

U.S.A. Texas


So I think we are well into the application period so, surely it is time to start up this board. I can not wait until we hear back in May. Trying to keep very busy while waiting. Good luck to everyone applying!! Hopefully we can keep each other company here and celebrate our successes!!

I saw that as well! How exciting! Just think we are one day closer! I'm just trying to stay positive!

TCC and Tarleton will have a partnership where Tarleton faculty will come to the TCC campus and teach. They will offer dual enrollment so you can work on both at the same time at a cheaper price!! And you don't have to reapply, when you get in to TCC you can enroll in Tarleton!


Can you tell us what NCLEX/HESI book would be good for us to get? I found a bunch online, will any NCLEX-RN book work? Does anyone else know? Thanks in advance!

My access code for the NCLES3500 did not work. :( I am waiting to get a new code now but I have read that Saunders and Elsevier are good ones. They come with CD's to practice many more questions online. I just googled some but I need to invest in a book or code.

I didn't hear about the dual enrollment. Where did you see that Kristen?

If you are right about the dual program, I want this more than EVER! Now I'm really stressed about getting in :confused:

Everyone is doing great with staying positive! Kate, I'm with you, all of a sudden it has really started getting to me again! I think it's because I believe that tomorrow could be the day (I know they said next week). I have been staying out of the house as much as possible. I even got my hair cut off all the way up to my shoulders today!! Something to keep me off the computer and my mind on other things. Tomorrow I'm going to lunch and Mother's Day shopping with a friend & hopefully that will take a large part of the day......

I'm scared to shop for any nursing items until I know for sure & haven't even really looked at shoes, stethoscopes, or anything.

If tomorrow is the day, or whenever the day, good luck!! You all have been great company on here

Hey everyone stop stressing (I know easier said then done). I've web stressing so bad lately that I got myself pneumonia lol. No bueno! So keep yourselves healthy and stop stressing those letter are coming and I hope we all get in so it will be worth the wait!!!! :)) good luck everyone!! And thank you for all of the advice, tips, and company I hope we will all meet in August!

Wow chelsiep, I hope you feel better soon! I've been making myself sick over it too (not pneumonia sick, but still lol). Today wasn't as bad for me as it has been. I think I'm kinda accepting that what ever happens, happens. I know I worked really hard and did my best in my classes and on the HESI. So I'm proud of myself either way! Plus, I figure that they have to eventually tell us ;) lol

Hope I have a gut feeling it is tomorrow too.I hope I am not setting myself up to get frustrated again. I am trying to stay positive, but it scares me to jinx myself as well.

Good things are in the works at TCC! So excited about the BSN news. Only makes me want to get in more this go around.

I hope your guts are right. Mine's been feeling otherwise, just really hoping we find out by next week. But either way, it's closer than its been before and that is GREAT news!

Spending a leisure day with the hubby today, gonna go hit up the art museum and have some yummy food. That should help the day go by faster. It's finals weekend. Need to really get focused here.

Have a great day everyone!


girl, you & i think along the same lines. it's funny! i'm afraid if i'm too hopeful or too positive, i will be that much more heartbroken if it doesn't work out. i think it's some kind of emotional defense mechanism. always been that way. on the flip-side, if (you know what) ;) , i will be one surprised and extremely happy girl!!!

first person to find out, post asap, ok?

Hi everyone! Hopeful we'll know soon. I'm so sorry it wasn't May 1st. I wish I had never posted that they had told me that. Trying to stay away from my email/laptop to enjoy Disney. Today's my birthday so I would be thrilled to find out today. Good luck to all! Especially with the new BSN program coming! I think TCC is about to get EXTREMELY competitive. As if it wasn't already. Hoping for all of us! Thanks to all of the nursing students who've been posting to keep our spirits up. I know you guys are busy and it is very much appreciated!!

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