MD. Anderson Residency Program (Houston, TX)-Spring 2012

U.S.A. Texas


Just called MD.Anderson HR this morning about the residency program for spring 2012, I was told that phone screen will take place in next couple of days. She said she will email me if I am on the calling list. It seems that they alreasy made dicision for whom will to be called. Well, I will call them again this afternoon, waiting is the hardest part.

Does anyone know what question they going to ask on the phone? How to be prepared for the phone screen:confused:? This residency program is my dream job. I am so nervous right now:uhoh21:. Any response will be highly appreciated! Thank you.

I believe they are hiring more students than what i was told is that 1 group will start at the end of march, and the other one a few weeks into april....they said no dates had been set as of friday. Good luck on your interview Plover1!!

I believe they are hiring more students than what i was told is that 1 group will start at the end of march, and the other one a few weeks into april....they said no dates had been set as of friday. Good luck on your interview Plover1!!

Thank you

OK so I had my first and second interview today to my surprise. It was the same for some other candidates too. So I hope to hear something soon.

LUCKYYY!!!!! I am a bit jealous!!!! lol Most of us had to stress out twice!!! haha...How was it? did u have HR interview and then a panel or it was all the same?

Hi all

I was wondering if someone could help me with this question: how far or close to graduation do you have to be to apply for the GN positions?


I think the application said you must have a license prior to starting the for the one starting in march you should have graduated in December, and have taken NCLEX January or February.

I think the application said you must have a license prior to starting the for the one starting in march you should have graduated in December, and have taken NCLEX January or February.

Hi nurse-to-be

Thank you for your quick response. But I noticed that many apply before they graduate, I understand that they cannot start working till they get their license, but how soon can one apply? I'm in a one year ABSN graduating spring next year, so when will be the ideal time to apply?

Thanks again

I think they did it that way so they can finish all their interviews before March. Maybe? But yes it was with HR first and then it was with a panel. It was cool and nerve wrecking. Lol. But I am Not sure when they will start calling anyone. I didn't even think to ask.

anyone heard anything from them yet??

They told me not to expect anything until two weeks. That was last Friday so hopefully they start calling people next week!? God willing we have jobs there soon!

Patiently waiting. If God say it is for us, it will happen. :-)

tic toc tic toc......Hopefully we all begin to get some callbacks this coming up week!! Keep me posted if you do please!! :)

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