Shoe designer considering a Psych Nursing career change...

Specialties Psychiatric


...I'm new here, just discovered this bulletin board. Lately, I have nursing on the brain. I love designing shoes but my gut is telling me it's time to move on to something more challenging, meaningful and necessary.

Can any of you Psychiatric Nurses give me some insight into your jobs, your lives as Psychiatric Nurses, how you came to this path, the challenges thus far, illusions that were shattered, education (what are the best schools in New York, for example?), how you feel on a good day, how you feel on a really bad day, etc?

I'm particularly interested in Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing. Have a personal interest in Depression.


Wouldnt recommend it.

well hotfoot, we can see you haven't got much of a response here. I'd suggest you check out the >200 threads in the Psychiatric Nsg. board.

I'm in psych because I started going to psych hospitals to visit my grandfather when I was 8 years old and liked it there. I'm a nurse because while working in a mental health center I liked the nurses. I had a realistic idea of what I was getting into. I enjoy my job as a bedside nurse in an involuntary medical/psych intensive care unit because I am needed. The job is hard not glamorous. But it allows creativity and self expression and I know my patients are benefited by my work. But in order to avoid burn-out I have to wear blinders.....

I wanna know how you become a shoe designer! :)

also chk out the' would you recommend nursing as a career' forum......personally.....l wouldn't......LR

Thanks for your responses, everyone. I appreciate it. I'm interested in Psychiatric Nursing because mental illness has palyed a huge part in my life...lots of undiagnosed (denial!) mental illness in my family.

Sanakruz--I'm interested in why you wouldn't recommend it? You sounded very happy with your career choice on another post.

MaureenO--I like how you look at it. I want to do something necessary like you, not glamourous. If I were interested in glamour I wouldn't be looking for anouther route to take! And that was my thought -- that there would be room for creativity and self-expression. I think I could help others with my experience. Thanks for being candid.

Stargazer--If you want to email me personally I can tell you how I became a shoe designer. Are you a psychiatric nurse?

L.Rae--I'll check out the Nursing As a Career area...good idea.

Thanks again, and I'd really love to hear more.


I work in psychogeriatrics. I've always been facinated with psychiatry as well. I say, follow your dreams!

Dont go into psych with your own unresolved issues. You will not be happy.

It can be diificult to remain therapuetic with someone that reminds you of a (possibly) dysfunctional family memeber

I AM happy with what I am doing. I would not recommend nursing as a career to anyone. Ever. Lrae has pointed you in the direction to answer your queries.

Sanakruz: Good advice, thanks.

Adrienurse: Thanks for the encouragement!

...I'm new here, just discovered this bulletin board. Lately, I have nursing on the brain. I love designing shoes but my gut is telling me it's time to move on to something more challenging, meaningful and necessary.

Can any of you Psychiatric Nurses give me some insight into your jobs, your lives as Psychiatric Nurses, how you came to this path, the challenges thus far, illusions that were shattered, education (what are the best schools in New York, for example?), how you feel on a good day, how you feel on a really bad day, etc?

I'm particularly interested in Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing. Have a personal interest in Depression.


i saw your post after a google search i did.....i'm not a nurse but i've been dreaming of becoming a shoe designer since i was in high school..i've been a telephone tech for years now and want to chase this dream i have. i took courses at the local design school in fashion but they havent been helpful at all at giving me any info about shoe far the only thing i hear is that i need to go to london for college but that means giving up everything here...any suggestions? i'd appreciate any info you can give me

You want to go from a safe clean job to a dangerous dirty one? Do shoe designers have to work night shifts? Week ends? Empty bed pans? Change urine and feces soaked bed linens in the middle of the night? Psych nurses are nurses first. We can be expected to do what any other nurse can be expected to do.

I can understand wanting to do something meaningful. That was my own motivation for seeking a nursing career. Look before you leap.

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