Help! Not understanding A&P

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Help! I am not understanding A&P. I felt confident about the first lecture over chapter 1 (just an overview of A&P) and part of chapter 2 (chemistry). But today he just dumped so much material I do not understandddd. Part of it was over the last half of the chemistry and we started on chapter 3 (cytology). A lot of the students in there seem to be getting it and have probably taken chem within the last couple of years or are fresh out of high school. We have only one more lecture before the first exam because of labor day. So next lecture we are going to continue lecture on chapter 3 and then start with chapter 4 (histology) and chapter 18 (cellular respiration). I record lectures in class and it has helped so far. But right now I am really not grasping half of this chem and the chapters over cells. Help! I really do not want to fail. Are there sites or books or any other tools that will help? I'm going to ask some friends too but I know many of them are busy with school as well. Are all of the systems going to be this difficult or will it only get tougher? Exam 2 will be over the integumentary, musculoskeletal, and cardiovascular systems.

Khan Academy was a huge help to me-- especially in a&p 2 when I could NOT get my head around muscle contractions. I agree with the other people here. I learn visually so if there was a concept I didn't understand, I would go on YouTube or Khan Academy to see it explained a different way. Good luck and try not to get too frustrated. Some chapters will be easier than others. A freaked out frustrated mind absorbs nothing ;)

I'm so sorry to tell you this but it is only going to get harder. I was the same way as you, I was lost too. What I would do to study was look for flashcards on the chapter we were on on I also would stay after for hours studying the models before practicals. If you study in a group before the tests it will help a lot because you tell each other what works for you. Don't give up take notes and read the chapter. Anatomy and Physiology Companion Website

Ask your professor or faculty advisor if there is a student one year ahead of you that did very well who they might recommend for tutoring. You may have to pay for it, but a lot of schools have student tutors in a work study program. These people just passed that class-they know the material and how it is presented. It's the best way to get a good understanding of it. And yes, A&P just gets harder. Some schools separate them, one semester for each and in my opinion that is easier, but if yours doesn't offer that option you probably need help.

If you find yourself failing after the first exam and come to the conclusion that you can't deal effectively enough to pull out the required grade, AND if you can afford the extra time, consider withdrawing from the course (before the W deadline date) and auditing the rest of the semester. If auditing is allowed at your school, (ask if the audited course will show on your transcript), you can get the benefit of being in the class for the instruction. If your school does not have auditing, perhaps the instructor will allow you to retain your seat in an unofficial capacity. Never know unless you ask. The extra time will allow you to get a handle on things so that you can return to the course next semester better able to tackle the material for a grade.

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