cheating classmates!

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Any of you encountered cheating classmates in your pre-req classes? There were cheaters in my Chem class, and now in my A&P class. REALLY angers me! I reported them to the instructor. Afterall, who wants to have a nurse who cheated their way into/through nursing school??? Maybe the TEAS weeds them out...

How were they cheating>?

Were they cheating during an exam or getting help with their homework? Be more specific. When I was in Microbiology our teacher made accusations toward some of my classmates that they were plagerizing and cheating because they found their answers in the book and used them for homework answers.

I see people cheating all the time on their homework. It's irritating but as long as they don't involve me I try not to get my feathers ruffled. I figure if they don't know the material well enough to do their own work they probably won't make it too far. It's hard, but try just focusing on your own work instead of what others are doing. Policing your classmates gets too exhausting.

I agree with Maurice. I have helped people with their homework and gotten help with mine. Its the exams that count. If you cant ace your exams you wont get anywhere.

Ive seen plenty of people that "cheat' on homework and then they wonder why they pull C and B. I dont lose any sleep over it.

lets face it people cheat allllll the time. I saw it in all my science classes, not once have I

got involoved.....Once in my Anatomy class, there was a girl cheating on the exam and a girl in my lab group reported her and what he told her was"people who cheat are only cheating themselves in the end" he never did anything and guess what....the girl totally bombed the final and ended up failing the class.....So what I say is karma will get them in the end. Be it on the teas, in nursing school, or the NCLEX.

Im sure if I see this going on in nursing school its going to anger me even more but I'll try my best not to get involved...

Yes, during quizzes and exams. One woman in my Chem class wrote down formulas and stuff on her desk in pencil before the exam started. Another classmate told the prof about it after class and he stayed on top of it, thanking her for the heads up. This latest one occurred in A&P: 2 students giving each other answers w/o the prof noticing during a quiz. I e-mailed him to watch these two. I called out 2 separate students in two other classes for cheating during tests in the past year. I don't tolerate it if I witness it first-hand. This field is too important for academic dishonesty, because patients' lives may one day be at stake -- in my opinion, anyway.

Not talking about homework at all. It is smart to get/give help with homework. I'm talking exclusively about exams.

Specializes in NICU.

In my A&P lab class we had quizzes every week that were very hard and for the endocrine section we pretty much had to write all of the hormones and various things about them (didn't the endocrine section suck! haha) anyway, one of my friends actually kept her study sheet out during it and we all kept looking at her to try to get her to put it away, but we couldn't talk so of course she got caught and it was horrible. She got a 0 for the quiz, but our teacher decided to keep it at that because she really was a good student (probably the hardest working on in the class). It was unfortunate that she made that choice, but she definitely learned her lesson! It hurt her final grade a lot, but she never cheated again.

Other than that, I've seen so many people cheat and they are the ones who end up failing in the end :-)

I'd leave them to fate. I think its almost impossible to cheat your way through pre-reqs,nursing entrance exam,nursing school and the NCLEX. Sooner or later its gonna bite them in the butt. I'd just focus on doing what I know I need to do and let fate take its course with the cheaters.

I see people cheating all the time on their homework. It's irritating but as long as they don't involve me I try not to get my feathers ruffled. I figure if they don't know the material well enough to do their own work they probably won't make it too far. It's hard, but try just focusing on your own work instead of what others are doing. Policing your classmates gets too exhausting.

I agree with this advice completely. However, if you know that some of your classmates are cheating on tests/exams AND the professor is using a "sliding scale" (which many do for tests) to grade--then you should report them, as it might effect YOUR overall grade. But if it is not concerning you, just ignore it, and concentrate on doing YOUR best. Those who cheat usually only make it harder on them selves in the long haul.

I agree with this advice completely. However, if you know that some of your classmates are cheating on tests/exams AND the professor is using a "sliding scale" (which many do for tests) to grade--then you should report them, as it might effect YOUR overall grade.


But if it is not concerning you, just ignore it, and concentrate on doing YOUR best. Those who cheat usually only make it harder on them selves in the long haul.

I disagree. I think this must be precisely how some ditsy nurses became nurses. (Ever have one of those?) I do not police my classmates, but if I notice cheating, I will notify the instructor as I've always done. It is then his responsibility to deal with it or not.

I'd rather just let it be. I know what I have to do and I don't butt into other folks lives. When they cheat, they know what they are doing. They are adults and know the consequences.

I personally believe that if you cheat through the classes, it's going to come back to bite you in the orifice later on. When these pre-nusing students go to take HESI or TEAS exam, they won't have all the facilities to cheat as they do now. If they haven't learned anything, they won't pass and won't be nurses. It's as simple as that.

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