The challenges of Pre-nursing classes and motherhood

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Mother's Day is approaching and I got a great gift today....finally a response from my son's school about his difficulties ( I posted a while ago and was quite upset at that time an some of you may remember how desparate I was) FINALLY months later after I pressed to have him tested they came to the conclusion that he indeed has dyslexia. He struggled this entire past year, having the teacher he unfortunately has didn't help any at all!!!!! At least there is hope for the future that he will get the help he needs. Believe me, it has stressed me out to cope with him, homework and his teacher.....this lady is impossible and wants perfect "cookie cutter kids"! College and a husband who is never present definitely added to my stress. It's been so rough. I will take the summer off and I am waiting to be accepted into the ADN program at my school.

You all have a great Mother's Day, hug your kiddos!!!!!!

StPauliGirl- I'm so glad that you have some answers now. Good for you for advocating for him and pushing to get the testing done.

I can relate to a lot of this thread.

I have a 5 year old and a 2 year old, I'm starting nursing school this fall and we will be homeschooling. I know, I think I'm insane :) DH is very supportive and helpful, but it's still going to be a busy busy time.

I also had to giggle at the baby who dragged a textbook when she wanted to nurse. There have been many-a-night at our home where dd was nursing and trying to close my A&P book at the same time so my eyes weren't looking at anything but her ;)

Hang in there. I am having to get through school with a son who has speech difficulties ans 60% hearing loss in his right ear which is taking it's toll on the left ear. I want to give up but I cannot. Don't give up!!!

How old is she? It's amazing how much these kids need son is not doing well with his dad gone Mo-Fr. This weekend he won't come home at all! He is out of State for 2 weeks! it kicked my son in reverse every since they send him away each week. It's hard isn't it????? Hang in there and reassure her as much as you possibly can.

My twins are 3 years old...barely 3.

We have decided that we are going to save every spare dime we have in order to take them to Disneyworld when they are 7 years old. I think that is a great age to have the physical stamina to go and it's still magical to them. It's expensive so you have to plan early!

That will be their reward for being little troopers, but in the short term, they'll be taking their first swimming lessons every Saturday this summer, and they are excited at starting daycare again so they can play with other kids.

Specializes in Geriatric.

Hang in there. I have four kids, and I am a student as well. It seems like I have been in school forever. I need 3 classes to get in the ADN program and 7 for the BSN. Should I leave my four year school and get the RN earlier? I appreciate any advice.


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