UH MEPN 2012

Nursing Students Post Graduate


Is anyone looking at University of Hawaii's MEPN program for Fall 2012? I'm originally from Honolulu and would LOVE to go back and do this program. Especially since I would pay in-state tuition! :)

I've looked over the lengthy forum about the program from 2009. Is there anyone who went to UH's program that started this Fall? I would be quite interested to hear your stats (GPA, etc.) and to find out how many people applied and how many were accepted/matriculated this year. I will also be taking A&P 2 and Microbiology in the Spring and I am curious if that will hurt me since I am not done with all the prereqs. They say you just have to finish them by July, but I am wondering if that is really true.

Any info previous MEPN people can give me would be great. Thanks!

Nothing here. I feel like it will be closer to or into March.

I haven't heard anything yet either. I am constantly thinking about this, and I agree with @dolcegabby there is nothing much we can do but wait.

I applied to the FNP/APHN dual track. I am curious to know which specialties usually do interviews. It is hard to read from past years responses, since it seems that many/all got interviews and maybe this year they are changing it up a bit.

Putting the call out there to all who get asked for interviews to please post your specialty track, when you were called for an interview and if you wish to share afterwards what happened in the interview that will be very helpful. I will do the same if/when anyone calls me!

Keeping my fingers crossed.

It looks like last year the first decisions went out March 2nd. One would think it would be even sooner sans interviews but who knows? So tempting to call but I shall refrain :)

Aloha all. I was once in your seat back in 2009 applying for MEPN. I am now a few months away from graduating at UHM for my FNP. How did I get in? I am no super hero... I can tell you that. We had dancers, previous adult Media star, journalist, photographer, med students, physician assistant ( I know you're probably asking why?)... people from all source of backgrounds in our cohort... some I didn't even know how they got in, but the point is how you execute on your personal statement.

-What makes you want to become a nurse?

-Be firm on why you want to become a NP/CNS/PHN etc.. (this should really be the main focus of your paper)

-Be humble and passionate w/ people and embrace the nursing profession

-What do you plan to do after?

FYI: We had the GRE requirement back then and also interview.

I applied to four schools: UCSF, Yale, Columbia, and UH. Got into Columbia, but decided to do UH because it was more affordable for me as a resident.

In terms of flexibility, know that all of the four schools I applied to had the similar complaints among students. We all are stressed, it's unorganized, it's expensive, why did I do this? Do I really want to become a nurse? Trust me... we all had our moments where we cried, but we get over it. Know that at the end of the day, you've worked hard, and you earn your RN license. It doesn't matter where you go to school or what your GPA is. The question you should ask yourself is are you prepared to take the NCLEX? Being a nurse and nurse practitioner is completely two different things. Keep that in mind! When I passed my NCLEX, I really wanted to do my RN work, but as I progressed w/ my NP clinical, I am even more stoked to start my NP practice.

I was working in ER as a registrar, became a tech, then a CNA, but never got the job as an RN in the hospital because of the economy. I am currently working as RN in outpatient. My point is there are people out there in the community (such as nurses, professors, and some doctors) who are envied of your ambitions and resistant to your learning success. However, there are many people who will encourage and inspire you to go further. Don't listen to the negatives and pay more attention to the light at the end of the tunnel. It has gotten better that "MEPN" reputations have been acknowledged in the community here in Hawaii.

Now that I look back I don't regret anything. I feel accomplished. At times I feel I am not ready to be independent as a practitioner, but everyone feels this way near the end as I was told. Some of us are working as CNA, tech, NP, RN. It doesn't matter... what you have to ask is what do you want to get out of it? I resigned working in the hospital because I am tired of being abused and used by the system and found it's rewarding to do outpatient. My boss asked me "Where do you see yourself progressing as a tech w/ a graduate level school?" My answer is "I don't!" and I moved on.

It has been an incredible journey. I wish you all the best of luck. I may not have the time to reply or respond to any of you. If it wasn't meant for this year to happen, keep applying. Don't invest all your eggs in one basket. I was so crushed when I got rejected the first year (2008 only applied at UCSF). If you do get into the program, congratulations, look for the "UH Manoa MEPN" on facebook, some people will help you there! It will be a difficult odyssey, but I know you can do it if you put your mind to it!

So awesome, hilife! Thank you =)

Waiting is killing me! People have heard the first of March the last couple of years so you would think without the interviews it would be like.. now! LOL! Oh well, the fear of rejection makes the wait a bit more tolerable. =)

No need 5 pages of personal statement. Mine was only 2.5 pages. Remember to relax and let it go! That's my motto for this program.

Thank you hilife for all the insight! It's extremely valuable and graciously appreciated :).

The deadline for our personal statement has passed, so now we are just waiting to see whether the individual departments/tracks will be interviewing us or not. The hardest part is not knowing when to expect the information. It's like knowing there's gonna be a bombshell dropped on us, but not knowing when...

Is everybody feeling anxious? I am always so tempted to e-mail for an "update" but I know I'll get the same generic answer. Just seems without interviews it should be sooner than March!!!

Yes I am feeling very eager to hear from them!!!

I keep reading the website and this forum hoping for any update, but there is just silence,

so it is great when you all write in about how you are feeling :)

or any updates at all :)

Though we have not received any updates as of yet, I have been accepted to another program and am waiting on one other school for a decision. If I am accepted to UH MEPN program for FNP, I will have to decline. Who knows though - I could be denied :p But I want to say thank you for everyone for being very supportive on this thread and best of luck to you on your nursing path.

Nothing? Calls? Interviews?

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