How much do you make as a tech?

Nursing Students Technicians


Let's compare hourly pay. Please state you city:

St. Louis, MO: $12.75 (plus differential for weekend/might)

First job as CNA, 2nd shift at multi-level facility in NW suburb of Chicago, $12.60/hr.

$18.50 plus anywhere from $1.75 to $5.75 shift diffs for working nights and weekends. I have worked hospitals for five plus years, worked at an assisted living facility one year and was a certified medical assistant for five years so about eleven years medical experience under my belt. Good money working nights and weekends but hard on the body. I'm looking to get out. I'm stressed to the max on Med Surg. I live in the Dallas Texas area.

Cleveland, OH. $14 with no prior experience.

So cal $18.50/HR

Yikes! Just when I thought of moving back to my hometown.

I am a Nurse tech (just a pct who is in nursing school) and in Orlando and I'm at 13.00 hr plus all the differentials.

12.75 plus some for evening shift and weekends so between 13-14 in Michigan.

SC 18.65hr plus shift dif 1.50 pm 3.50 weekends ans 4th shift 30.00 bonus.... THE BLOOD DRAW is hell on our floor. Our floor draws more blood than the entire level one trauma hospital.. Lab does no sticking on our floor..

Specializes in Cardiac.

TN: $14.00/hr (+ night/wknd differentials)

VA Richmond, PRN, $15/hr w/o differential.

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