Has anyone taken the Periop 101 AORN final exam?

Specialties Operating Room


I'm completing the AORN Periop 101 modules now for my perioperative internship program. Has anyone taken the final exam, or is about to take it? If you have, how did you study for it? I'm trying to figure out the best way to devise a studying tool as I have just started the program (7/26 modules completed:yeah:). Thanks everyone!!


I wanted to add my experience to this thread. I took this exam and would recommend people study. The questions ask some of the same information that the quizzes at the end of the modules ask, they just reformat the questions. If you have test anxiety this can be confusing.

I am adding this to this thread for those that will search the site instead of starting a new thread.

Has there been anybody who has taken the Periop 101 exam within the last year? If so, can you elaborate on any updates, how difficult it was, and how did you study for it? Thanks.

Hey I am a new grad that is enrolled in the periop 101 program with AORN. I am taking my first attempt at the final exam on August 31, 2016. I have been trying to find info on how to study. Do you have ANY suggestions? I am going back through all the modules and doing the quizzes again. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!


I would like to know how your exam was? I agree... there is soo much information. Any information provided would be greatly appreciated.


I passed the exam on the first try. I was nervous going into it mainly because the whole department knew that myself, and 2 other colleagues were taking the exam that morning. I believe I passed with an 84%. Two years later, I'm studying for the CNOR and having the same test taking anxiety.

To study, I always make flash cards. I am a visual and tactile learner. So I find that if I see it, and write it out, that helps. I took notes during each module throughout the course so when it came to studying I reviewed my notes and practiced the exams.

For me, no test is "easy" but I take them very seriously. Because of that, I have passed all my exams on the first try. It's not about how or what others studied, it's about how YOU LEARN. Find out what works for you and stick with that. Most of all, be POSITIVE going into it. If you put the time and effort in, that will be reflected in your results.

Specializes in CV|OR.

I definitely agree with previous posters. I think I OVERstudied. Much easier than NCLEX, and if you read over the outline and do the post-module questions, you will do fine. My peers copied ALL of the post-module questions and made them into a study review. Our on-site educator went through the outline and made questions for each section. I looked over these things the night before and made a 93 (before extra credit), so I definitely believe if you pay attention to the modules, you should do fine. Just make sure you stick to the guidelines and not what you may see from experienced nurses on the floor, as the test is based on AORN guidelines (real world nursing vs. AORN standards).

Wow .. I just saw your replies. Thank you so much for the information!!! I am rereading the outlines and redoing all the quizzes and tests.

The very best way to prepare is the AORN PeriOp 101 Final Exam study guide. I took the exam today and I can tell you that most of the questions could be answered by just studying the study guide. Especially the items in red on the study guide. Good luck!

Edit: I just saw the date on your original post and I would imagine you took the exam by now! Hope you did well!

Hey I just wrote it and it's surprisingly tougher than I expected. Out of the 114 questions I would say 60-70 of them were "select all that apply" rather than just pick the one correct answer. If you study what's highlighted in red throughout the modules that's definitely going to help out. I found the questions were related to much of the red highlights. Also focus on module summaries they contain much of the material on the exam and it's nicely summed up! Best of luck.

Where can these module summaries be found?

Thank you for your insight!

Has anyone recently taken the periop 101 final exam through AORN? I found a quizlet online and I am wondering if anyone used that to study and if it was helpful or not.

I am in the process of studying the modules now. How is the best way to study? and what should I study?

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