Clarkson college acceptance?

Nursing Students School Programs


I recently applied to Clarkson College, MSN Nurse Education program. The deadline is April 1st for summer start. Has anyone applied to Clarkson and how long after the deadline did you wait to hear if you were accepted or not. In addition, how is their online program? I have never done online education and I am nervous...especially taking Applied Statistics...

No, I haven't heard from Clarkson yet. I know I'll be rejected by OU. I was just sharing my back up plans with you if I don't get accepted by Clarkson. Clarkson was my #1 pick. Creighton would be too $. I'll keep you posted.

Sorry I was responding to jdub05.

Mollysdream, keep us posted about Clarkson. Sounds like you may be hearing good news soon!

Oh oops. I'm still getting used to how this website works.

Rejected :( from Clarkson College

Sorry mollysdream. I think they are pretty selective and dont let many applicants in per semester. Have you looked at Cincinnati, Simmons?

Yeah. They were a little on the expensive side though, but thanks. I'll keep looking.

Mollysdream, thats a bummer. I heard they are VERY selective. Have you checked out Frontier?? I heard good things about them. Also look into University of Texas (multiple locations). Both are reasonably priced..... I applied to Robert Morris U, (education) so I don't know much about their NP program. Oh, and look at St. Joseph's in Maine, too. Just some suggestions...I hope it works out for you :)

Thanks collorn. Good luck to you.

jdub05, I called Clarkson to find out why I was rejected and was told that I didn't have enough acute care experience. So, they'll tell you their reasoning if you call them. I wanted to make sure I wasn't rejected due to my essay, grades or anything else. It's helpful to know.

mollysdream i applied to the fall semester at clarkson and have been waiting, impatiently, to hear back from them. Can I ask how long you've been working?

Mollysdream, thanks for that info. I might try to call them next week, but I am looking at other schools so I'm not sure if I'm interested in hearing from them.

SDSU, you applied for fall..I don't believe they have rolling admissions, so you will probably hear from them two weeks after the fall deadline.

I've been working since 2010. My current job is doing chart audits. I accepted this position because of its flexibility, but this was the reason I did not get into Clarkson. I rarely do any patient care as a chart auditor.

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