Sometimes it's impossible not to giggle...

Nurses Humor


I'm a psych nurse in an acute care psychiatric hospital. Nothing seems to phase me anymore when it comes to psychosis. Just when I think I've heard it all, a patient will do or say something so off-the-wall it's nearly impossible not to giggle.

Of course I had to ask the patient why they were admitted, in their own words, during their initial nursing assessment...

The only thing I knew about the patient was she was a middle-aged female, with psychosis, and that she had set her car on fire. When I asked her why she would set her car on fire she said in a matter of fact tone "So God could cook his BBQ!"

I had to grab a tissue from the table to cover my giggle and act like I was blowing my nose, quickly excusing myself from the table so I could go to the back and have a good laugh that I no longer could control. I couldn't help it, I rarely ever have that reaction. I just totally wasn't expecting that response!!! Wow! Geodon and Seroquel STAT!

Anyone else have a good giggle recently? :)

I work in LTC part time and one night we had a lady who was sitting at the locked door in her wheelchair trying to escape... Next thing we know the fire alarm was going off. She had pulled the fire alarm. When asked why she did it, she responded that the firemen were going to take her away so she could do God's work. She was very disappointed when the firemen left without her

My favorite on an acute psychiatric unit: A older man decided to rub butter on his chest and put mustard on his member then run up and down the hallway naked. I will never be the same after seeing this. :)

sounds like some brain bleach is in order!

Specializes in ortho, hospice volunteer, psych,.

A psych pt. insisted in keeping his ears frothy with soapsuds...ALL the time.

His reasoning? To keep the devil and the thoughts world out. Soapsuds would not only block

the evil but keep his thoughts pure. Yes, the soap was 99.99% pure.

Specializes in ortho, hospice volunteer, psych,.

My husband just shared a story with me while I was brushing my teeth. Guess where all the toothpaste and spit water ended up?!

When he was in wound care rehab at the end of winter, one night he was reading late when a nurses aide came rushing into his room. She was absolutely breathless and, when she could speak again, said "I just don't

know what to do! I have to write up my observations to give the nurse... and...she's always saying I should use

nursing vocabulary...and...and...what do you call that wrinkly bag your balls live in?"

He answered (as calmly as he could muster) "The scrotum."

She: "Well, that's a weird word!"

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