I failed out of nursing school my last semester....help!

Nurses Career Support


hello. i was just wondering if there was anyone else out there like me. i failed out of nursing school my last semester (it is a bsn program). in my program, you only get one repeat. i already used that repeat in my ob semester. i passed that class just fine the second time around. i did appeal and was denied the chance to repeat the final semester. i feel like i let my family down. my parents had already ordered graduation invitations and booked a hotel for my family to stay at. i came so close to finishing and now i'm not graduating. :banghead: you can imagine the things that are being said about me by my family. it is very frustrating to be laughed at by people who are related to you...even my grandmother makes rude comments. that's a whole different issue.

however, i have been looking at other programs and there is a possibility that i could get into another program in the fall as a senior. i really feel like nursing is the career for me. i love working with patients and doing the responsibilities of a rn. i just have doubts in the back of my mind that i may fail again. it would be nice to know that other people have been in a similar situation and made it. :nurse:

Dear Pineapple_devil:

I am NOT giving out wrong info! I have been told this by 3 different schools! I have been told that "Nursing classes DO NOT transfer over NATIONALLY".

I'm not sure what you are talking about of what that girl's situation was. But this is reffering to pure nursing classes such as med-surg, ob, community etc. These classes do not transfer over and I am proof of that. I just transferred over a month ago and none of my NURSING courses transferred over.

So please try not to tell me that I'm wrong cuz i'm not pulling this information out of thin air. Maybe the ppl you are talking about have not taken pure nursing classes and therefore all of their pre-reqs or general reqs have transferred over.

you do realize that 3 schools do not make up the entire country, right? there are many reasons why a school may not accept a transfer credit. are you certain in your comment that you can exclude every single college in the country? thats quite a bold statement and one i dont think anyone on this forum is able to make

Try a junior college! I did the the same thing. I applied to the junior college they accepted my credits and I graduated! I still have to do the rn to bsn but who cares I'm a nurse! Don't give up keep going!

I just wanted to tell you that you are not alone.

I worked so hard to get into an RN program, only to fail block 1! For me I froze during test time, but everything else (clinicals, pharm, process etc) I excelled at!

I resubmitted my app the DAY after I found out that I failed. I also applied to an LPN school in the meantime because I knew the wait would be long for the RN.

It only took me two months to get accepted into LPN school! When I am through, I will be ready for the RN program and can jump right in to block 3!

I have learned a lot about myself since last failing block 1. I know my strengths and my weaknesses, but mostly that this was just one of many hurdles that life will give me, and I just need to keep my head high and my dreams alive!

As for your family, it is easy for them to judge you becasue they have never been through nursing school and NO idea how tough it is...hang in there!

Hope this helps!:)

do you think i can still work in a hospital even though i've been in 3 different schools?

if at first you don't succeed dust yourself off and try again... I, too was in the same predicament in December of 2006. I felt like my spirit was broken, but i reapplied to the same program retook the class that i messed up and successful graduated this past June. I encourage you to follow your heart and don't let anyone stand in your way....whether it be family or faculty. I have been told if you can't get in the front door go through the back and if that is locked climb through a window. Apply to another school...talk to the nursing department and admissions at the schools that you decide to go to ....they are ones who can give you a definite answer about transferring credits and advanced standing...

good luck and don't give up..

We have had people transfer into our nursing program. They picked up where they left off at another college. I think alot depends on if your program was intergrated or blocked. Ours is blocked, so it is possible for people to transfer in. We had people fail out of our program and applied at others. Some classes transferred, some did not. It is worth looking into.

I to failed out of my last nursing semester, but in my case I was coaxed by my trusting instructor to try to finish A & P and now have a big fat F for it(which is going to count against me). And she knew i was going for phyical therapy for a bulging disc. 3 times a wk and taking muscle relaxant's. (that was 20yrs ago.)(and YES I'm very bitter towards that school that still have a few of those instructors working.) I have checked into the different colleges in my area and they will give me credit for some courses but not all of them an that's ok. But currently my life has much to much drama for me to stop and finish up my RN. But I am still going to finish it.

Now knowing all of this (my sad story)you shouldnt let this stop you from finishing. I'm a beliver in "everthing happen's for a reason" Check around the other school's and take your lpn boards that wont hurt a bite. It will give you practice for the RN boards.

"JUST DO IT!!!!!!!"

i know plenty of people who have failed came back and passed nclex the first time around, it this is what you desire to do, dont give up on it. Just work harder the next time around, you've come to far to fail yourself and giving up is the biggest failure you could put yourself through.

I saw alot of LPN's that were fabulous, competent nurses fail out of my program. There were also people that failed out of the program last semester. I made it through the program and did not pass my boards first time. IT DOESN'T MATTER. It has no bearing on what type of nurse your going to be. I have been told by nurses that I very much admired that they also had these experiences. Go for it!! Your in my prayers. You can do it!!

Specializes in Med/Surg.

I just failed my final nursing exam today, too. :crying2:

I had to retake Med/Surg II this term. At this particular school, the normal passing standard is 78; if you repeat a class, the passing standard is 85. I made an 82 on my final exam, and an 82.53 for the entire, retaken class. I missed it by 2.47 points...I am still in major shock here.

And the worst part of it is that this school has $75,000 and three years of my life, and now I have nothing.

I'm trying to see if I can transfer credit; there are several other good schools around here...but I don't know how it will work out. I know that I have the taste and talent for nursing, and I will work it out...but it just hurts that I gave so much time and money to all of this and got screwed in the long run.

The bad thing is that the faculty at this school, except for one instructor, did not care for me as a person. This is really incredible, considering that they are a private (so-called) "Catholic" nursing school.

I've already started looking at other nursing schools, and if need be, I will go the LPN route and transfer credit back into an RN program...somewhere.

I'm sure tomorrow all of this will look much better...just don't see how at this moment.

Sigh... :urgycld:

have faith, and everything will work out just find, and if you have to transfer your credits to another school, do it ! don't let anything stop you, you have come a long way!! my prayers go to you.please let me know what happend.:icon_hug:

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