Abuse or Sacrificial Love?

Nurses Career Support


Hello all. I tried to find the best forum possible but I just wasn't sure. Currently I'm a medical administration student. I'm not a nurse but I am seriously contemplating it for a time in the future. I discovered this website about a week ago and it seems that some of you (single-parents) would be able to relate to my situation. I need some "mature", reasonable, down-to-earth advice from some folks who have "been there - done that".

I'm in a bit of a bind. I left the Army in August due to pregnancy. Job outlook was pretty good for a computer gal with office experience. However the competition turned out to be pretty steep here in the Colorado Springs area. Didn't land a job before I started to show (from the pregnancy). After that, no one would hire me. As illegal as it is, that is the only logical explanation I can think of as to why I couldn't even land a minimum wage job with my experience.

As time went on, I hesitantly accepted the fact that I'm probably not going to get a job till the baby was born. When I left the military, I didn't have any money or a place to stay so some friends invited me to stay with them till I got on my feet. I didn't feel I had much of a choice so I accepted the offer. I started school in hopes to give my daughter a better life than what I could have without this degree. After being here just a short while, I realized how chaotic this home is. These people yell at each other all of the time. They scream at their children all of the time for the slightest things. There is so much dysfunction here that it's causing me great stress wondering how I'm going to have to keep my little baby in this home. There is a problem with one of my roomates in that she seems to want to control my situation with the baby. Can't say much in contrast because the next alternative is the homeless shelter. I'm more miserable as the days go by.

The dilemma is, if all things go well with the delivery, I can just continue on with school and I even received permission from my department supervisor to double-up on classes to finish this program in about three or four months. (This program typically is over a year long) If I can finish in three or four months, I can get a decent job and I can get my daughter OUT OF HERE and into a stable environment. I have enough GI Bill (college money) to pay my bills for the next few months without working so that is an added plus for going that route.

In closing, I was in class tonight asking my classmate how her delivery with her children went and if continuing on with class even just a few days after giving birth was possible. My other classmate piped up and began to tell me how she thought the first few months of a baby's life was the most important and how she doesn't think a baby should be without the mother. Basically she was incenuating I would be abusing or neglecting my child. I was so angry that she would even give her opinion when she doesn't even know what situation I'm in or know that I'm doing this FOR my daughter - trying to get through this program as quickly as possible before she is even old enough to realize I'm gone and to get her out of here.

I say all of that to say this, I don't want to leave my baby. It breaks my heart that I can't make a better situation for her RIGHT NOW. I don't want to leave her with these people while I'm gone. (I don't really know anyone else here to ask them to babysit) But if I can just get this program out of the way quickly, I can get her out of this dysfunctional environment with all of the screaming, accusing, and controlling that goes on.

My question to you single-parents out there who may know what this is like, am I doing the right thing? Or will I be neglecting her? I don't want to do the wrong thing. I have the chance to make a better life for us by doing this and doing it quickly. I don't know what the answer is.


Specializes in Geriatrics, Cardiac, ICU.
Ok - in answer to your specific question about whether leaving your newborn child with this family while you go to school is abuse, I would have to say the potential for abuse is there.

A grown man who gets mad about his kids messing with his video games (what is a grown man doing with video games anyway:rolleyes: ) or because there is peanut butter (which is pretty sticky) left on forks after washing is absolutely going to not be able to show MORE patience for a child not his own.

He has no patience for the children he "loves" and he has no patience for his passive wife, who he "loves". Why would he have patience for a colicky newborn baby who is screaming for hours so that he cannot get to his video games. Would his passive wife come to your child's defense?

These people sound like a time bomb.

I'd get the heck out.


Oh, you didn't know? Grown men play more video games than little boys! This irks me too. :uhoh3: :uhoh3:

Specializes in Case Management.
Thanks for your concern everyone.....

pocu123--Honey, my heart goes out to you it really does. The husband sounds harmless enough. But I have just gotten out of an abusive relationship with my crazy husband (he found an apartment today--yay!!)

and I know that the screaming and yelling is not hitting. But I also know that I had to go to court to get my daughter (13) from my ex husband because she did not like to live with all of that chaos, and I also know that my older daughter (23) wants to come home with her baby (4 months) when her husband is deployed to Iraq in january and the first thing she said to me was if I did not get my husband out by then, she will be staying with her mother in law whom she despises. My 3 year old son is exhibiting acting out behavior, hitting punching, pinching, kicking and swearing. all this he learned from Daddy who yells screams swears and feels that it is ok to hit your kid.

I feel that there is never a good reason for physical violence and have never hit my children. and I never had the problems like I have with my son now. I have us all in counseling and am hoping for a smooth transition.

What I am saying is that the family you are living with now is walking a thin line. What appears to be a normal amount of screaming and yelling could the next day cross over to physical violence. So although you are in a bind, please remember that there are a lot more social service agencies besides WIC and they may be able to find you emergency shelter if you find that things are getting worse.

If you lived close to me, I would take you in myself. I have a big house that just got a lot bigger now that Mr. Hothead is leaving.

If there is any way to lighten your load, go for it. And remember to ask for a social services evaluation when you are admitted.

You guys are the best...... I need to hurry and get to the library to print this off so I'll have the information for reference. Don't want to lose or forget any of it.

StevieLynn you are so on the money. I thought that maybe I sounded petty to everyone because it's hard to convey the true reality of a situation in "typing." I remember a few weeks after I got here. The little boy wanted an apple. Like always he asked permission before he went to get it. His dad screamed at him "Can't you see I'm playing a game?!" I was so disgusted I just went to my room. At that time, the little boy didn't even like me. (You know, new person, strange person. Kind of a threat to what he knows as normal.) He came to MY room and asked me if he could have an apple. This is a kid who usually didn't even talk to me. I went downstairs and I asked the dad if he could have an apple. And of course, at that moment, his voice changed instantly and he started the "gentle, sweet-talk" like he knew he was wrong and just got caught with his hand in the cookie-jar. He even came over to the fridge to get it for the little boy. Of course followed by the cute little praising pet names he calls his son when he's in a good mood.

I am baby-sitting the two children today. As I said before they are 3 and 5. Overall they are good kids but they are going through their phases. However, they play so rough together. Their older brother (from a first marriage) will be here in the summer. He is 10. All three of them together are like watching WWF. I am so scared that they are going to treat my baby like a baby doll when the dad is playing his games and she's going to end up being tumped-over on the floor or they're going to try to pick her up without an adult right there. Man this situation is so jacked up.

Have you ever been faced with so many options that you felt like you had no option? I am so overwhelmed I'm just not sure what to do. I will call some of the colleges as advised by some of you and see what they have to offer. That's about the only step I'm not completely confused about. Finding options is one thing, making decisions is a whole other ball-park.

What really sucks is that half the time this guy is a really a great person to be around. I've never been in an abusive relationship so I don't know all of the aspects and the typical patterns enough to know if this is what happens. But the thing is, I hate to feel this way about him. He was my supervisor at one time and he took care of me like a supervisor should. I can remember one time when there was some inappropriate behavior in the workplace (some really offensive television shows being played in a military environment) and I was the only female. I took the problem to him and to my other supervisor and they stepped in and nipped it in the butt. I cannot for the life of me figure out how a person can be so completely "one-way" when they are with others and completely different with their own family. I think about the person I know outside of here or when he is in a decent mood and I feel guilty for even saying these things. Like I'm stabbing him in the back. On the other hand, is that all part of what insecure people with manipulating tendencies do? To fool other people and make them feel like they are wrong and he is the innocent one? His wife has confided in me and told me that before. It's like he can't stand for anyone outside the home, and now ME inside the home, to think that he is bad. I said all of that to come up with this interpretation - It's like he wants everyone to think that he is the innocent victim and his wife is the evil one and cause for all of their problems. He always did. Before I got to know her I believed him completely. THAT's what I was trying to say. Couldn't think of how to say it before. But I see it in a completely different light now that I am here.

Can't remember who asked but my due-date is Feb 6th.

It sounds like I'm making this into a Dear Abby forum. I didn't mean to twist your lovely nurse forums like this. :uhoh21: I suppose this is just a welcome vent. Thanks again for your time.

Oh, you didn't know? Grown men play more video games than little boys! This irks me too. :uhoh3: :uhoh3:

Yeah, I knew . ... . just strikes me as immature. Especially if you choose video games over reading a book to your kids or taking a walk. But then what do I know? I'm an old fogey.


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