Is this a legal part of the job?

Nurses Activism


Alright, I am not sure if this is in the right area, I'm really not sure where I should have started this thread. Admins, please feel free to move it wherever you feel it belongs!

So, Winter is here, like it or not. Last night at work, I was informed, through the grapevine of course because I work NOC's and it is a pretty damn rare sight to see administration, that it is the night staff's duty (RN's, LPN's, CNA's, we're at a LTC/Rehab facility) to clear away snow that falls/blows in the night. Um, seriously?! What is the role of maintanence? Apparently their day ends at 5pm along with all other administrators?

I don't do snow, not at home and certainly not at work in my Dansko's and thin scrub pants! (I don't own snow gear and you can bet your sweet bippy I have no intention of investing in any!) Is this a demand they can make of nursing staff? I'm truly interested in knowing the law in regards to fair labor. Any insight or links anyone?

Specializes in HH, Peds, Rehab, Clinical.

Ohh, excellent point!!!

Not sure, but I don't think snow shoveling is in a RN's scope of practice. I am willing to bet that having nursing staff going outside to shovel snow, without providing proper equipment is an OSHA violation. Is the facility providing proper footwear? I believe that there are regulations in place that dictate what kind of footwear and outer wear needs to be worn when working outside doing manual labor. Also, I'm pretty sure the health department would have a fit if they knew patient care staff was being sent outside to shovel snow and not taking care of patients.
Specializes in HH, Peds, Rehab, Clinical.

An excellent thought, but my boss is LONG gone by the time my shift starts and management is certainly not rolling in at 6am when I'm finished =)

Crazy thought here:

Ask your boss if you are expected to shovel.

Specializes in HH, Peds, Rehab, Clinical.

Ah, I wish it were. It's my weekend to work and they are predicting 2-4 inches here. I'll let you know what happens!!


Wonder if the entire thread premise is a contrived joke.

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.

Wonder if the entire thread premise is a contrived joke.

What is sad it that is isn't
Specializes in ICU, CM, Geriatrics, Management.
Specializes in ICU, CM, Geriatrics, Management.

It's ridiculous what's happened to Nursing over the years, Esme.

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.
It's ridiculous what's happened to Nursing over the years Esme.[/quote']

Oh man! don't I agree. I am at a loss at what to tell new nurses. It wasn't always this way. I wish I really KNEW where it all went wrong....I believe it is the corporate America greed that invaded the system. You can't put a cost effective figure on human life AND have great "satisfaction" scores. That the OT was due to the nurse dealing with a patient that crumped at shift change or stopped to help them to the bathroom before clocking out.

It never ceases to amaze me when some CEO at a corporate dinner rakes the waitress over the coals because their salad is over dressed, their steak isn't right or the wine hasn't aired properly then without dropping a beat, or batting an eyelash, make some ridiculous comment about cutting staff or services due to cost and come up with some half baked idea for doing more with less. It makes me want to vomit.

I have excused myself many times at these moments because I don't have a good poker face....sigh.

I am fearful of the sad future. I have never really been a big Union fan....however, as of late... I am changing my tune.

Specializes in ICU, CM, Geriatrics, Management.
... I have excused myself many times at these moments because I don't have a good poker face....sigh...

Smart... these folks are often so out there when it comes to the realities on the floor.

But think they've really got a true handle on how to improve things. Aaaaaargh!!!

Specializes in FNP, ONP.
I really don't get the problem, if a Hospital wants to pay me a Nurse's wage to shovel snow I'll happily do that for the whole shift.

Heck yeah! As long as I had it in writing that my other incomplete responsibilities were excused or officially dumped onto someone else (maintenance, dietary, whomever), I'd love to be outside shoveling the walkway. What a nice break!

Honestly, I'm not above shoveling, sacking trash, or even swishing a toilet out here and there. I do it at at home. So long as everyone acknowledges that there are only 60 minutes in an hour and that one human is only capable of so many feats per hour (even a DNP ;)), I really wouldn't care what they want me to do for the hour. Obviously during the hour I spent sacking trash or shoveling snow they would have to find someone else to fluff the pillows and do the chest compressions and what have you.

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