An update on my stepson

Nurses Recovery


It is with a heavy heart that I give an update on my 16 year old stepson. Some of you may remember that he had a nightmare, or so we thought a few weeks ago, and woke us all up, screaming that there was a robber in the house.

I have spoken to my sponsor at great length about this, and it just seems to be snowballing, getting worse and worse. I know that when it rains it pours, but it's getting ridiculous.

A week ago Thursday night, the 16 yr. old woke us all up beating on our bedroom door screaming that there was an intruder in the house. We had no reason we thought, to not believe him, so my dh got his shotgun and went racing outside to see. (In his underwear, of course!) I called 911 and the dispatch sent out a state trooper and 4 local deputies, as well as a K 9 unit. We heard the story from the teen as the officers heard it too, and it was just full of holes. We thought it was truly a nightmare. The next day, he realized what had happened, and was so upset. Turns out, he had been at a friend's house and took drugs. He admitted to taking Extasy (sp??) He cried and cried and begged my dh not to give up on him. I truly thought he had hit his bottom. I was wrong.

We got a call from the school that he appeared high. He denied it and said he had only taken 4 Benadryl. Found out later he was high on pot at the time. This happened earlier the same day.

A week later, I received a call from my dad that my aunt was dying and we made a road trip to south Louisiana to see her. Caleb refused to go, and my dh told him that if he could find an adult to watch him he could stay. They got into an altercation, verbally, and dh grounded him. He turned around and left anyway. We tried to find him with no luck, so we called the coroner and had him PECed. This happened before we left, at approx 1015 pm. The S.O. called maybe 2 hours later that they found him and took him to the ER for eval. From there, they admitted him to an inpatient adol. rehab center about 45 minutes away. He was admitted Saturday am. It is only a 7 to 14 day program, and that wont touch his problems.

Today my dh went and spoke to the counselor and the teenager. Of course, he was very angry with both my dh and me. We found out that he has taken heroin, benzos, opiates, ETOH, pot, Extasy, and we aren't sure what else. He admitted to those. His mom, my dh's ex wife is blaming all this on me, saying that he did all of it because of me, because he is upset that dh and I got married and we have been married for 5 years, and dated 1 year before that. Funny that it didn't bother him that mama got remarried a year before we did.

He's only 16, and it would just kill me that he could be dead before long using the meds that he is screwing with. His dad and I are both in recovery and have been for 10 years. Mama, on the other hand, is still bulemic and actively using Xanax and pot as well as ETOH. She called dh tonight and basically said that all this is MY fault. This isn't helping things.

After the counseling session with my dh and the son, he said he definetly needed an inpatient facility for 90 days. Of course, he says he isn't going, and we have to be the ones to check him out when he is d/ced and transport him to the other inpt. facility.

I'm sorry, I just needed to vent a little. Dh is all talked out and not in the best of spirits. It hurts to see him so angry, but he has been angry for quite a while. It doesn't help that mama is talking out of both sides of her mouth, so to speak. She has been talking bad about me to the counselors and wanted to get remarried to dh. She got highly upset when that didn't happen. She has already contacted Metro Narcotics, or so she says, but she will forget to mention that she gave him the Xanax and Klonopin and she has been getting him drunk.

I'm sure that there will be more crap to follow. The ex wive's family waste NO time in talking trash about dh and me. The strongest meds we keep in the house are Dramamine and Clonopin. She has Xanax and Klonopin just lying around, not even put up out of view.

Any ideas???

Anne, RNC :banghead::banghead::banghead:

Specializes in ICU.

Your husband and you need to make sure that the judge knows you are behind him and are advocating him to be sent to these treatment places..Once he gets out of 90 day treatment, after that send him to bootcamp or another kind of treatment for teenage drug addicts with psychological problems. They are out tthere, everywhere, I looked them up a few months ago when I thought we were going to have some trouble out of one of my sons...


The success rate in teens is very low. They don't face the same bottoms adults do, ie financial, employment, family, financial, community reputation...

I started drinking at 14 and added pot and speed in hs, qualudes, acid, cocaine in nursing school . In hs I was 2 car accidents while drinking, ( ran into a light pole and over a rail crossing while going around another car) and as a result my dad;s insurance was cancelled and his agent was a close friend, we had also been pulled over several times and had alcohol in the car, back then the cops just took the beer away from us. IF I had been accused of being an addict and told to stop, I would never had done so.

Teens think that they are immune to all the warnings they hear, and never believe that it will happen to them. They don't realize the risks they take and are easily impressed by peers and the pressures that they encounter.

The stats about kids w/ divorced parents show that these kids are more susceptible to addiction and also mental health disorders, including depression, anxiety, and anger issues. You really need to place a higher significance on this and stop rationalizing that you are also a divorced kid and survived. In reality, did you if you are a recovering addict??

I think that many parents are reluctant to consider this possibility with their kids, for several reasons, primarily not wanting to face the fact that they are responsible for this, as a result of the divorce. The reason for divorce is insignificant overall. What impacts the kids more is what happens post divorce and the kids that face instability, parent splitting, remarriage, and parental addiction are potential risks.

Many divorced parents don't realize that kids don't "get over" the divorce and move on like adults do. Instead they are faced with the results throughout their childhood. They don't have 2 parents , they don't have a dad to be their coach, they cannot go to the daddy daughter dinner, they have to miss social events to visit the other parent, they have 2 birthday parties, they are financially impacted, they have 4 parents at events, and so on and it does not matter if the divorce rate is 50%, they are in the minority with having single parents.... It is common that they never stop wishing that their parents would reunite and it is common to resist accepting step parents....

You are in a complex situation and having dad as the custodial parent makes it harder. because it is out of the norm, kids do comment, and the mom lays the guilt trip on them... ( I know because my BIL is custodial and has full custody and my sister plays the victim and the kids do get unkind comments about no mom and other issues)

If the kid thinks he hates you,,,, he hates you... it is a combination of normal teen, addiction, and family issues.... As long as the addiction remains active, his thinking will be negative, and full of anger, denial, blaming,,,

Studies show that the longer someone is in treatment, the better the success rate is. He needs 90 days residential followed by half way house for 1 yr.

OR consider the boot camps that last 3-12 months. The boot camps don't allow the kids to leave, and the RTC cannot keep them regardless of a court order ,

he kids can run away or they can be discharged for non compliance, and your kid is definitely someone who would intentionally work on being kicked out.

If he is court ordered, this would be ok, because he would face a new bottom in the way of juvie lockup and this can be a wake up call for some, but can also blow up and make him worse.

I am praying for your family and encourage you to ask for advice and get several opinions. I may have missed this, but you should all be in family therapy as well.

I had a daughter at the age of 19 start sniffing cocaine, made her go through withdrawals w/o methadone because I did not want her to take the easy way out. She is now working on her PhD and has come a long way. So please do not loose hope, with help and good parental support he can turn his life around.:heartbeat

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