Failed AANP

Specialties NP


Well, I just took the AANP and failed it. I am so dissapointed in myself. I was scoring 68-72% on the practice exams and predictor exams. I took the Amelie review course and studied that and Fitz review. I just knew I was going to pass and then it came across the screen NOT PASSED. I feel the exam was pretty tough in my opinion. I also freaked out during te exam and had a hard time concentrating on the questions. I am just discouraged and dissapointed.

Now what do I do?

I see that you posted this in June of last year, did you take the AANP again, and did you pass? what did you do different? Let me know, i just took the AANP test and failed on Saturday, September 13, 2014. Thanks.

Whalen- I passed the AANP this week- I studied by reading a subject in Leik, then listening to the same subject in the APEA CD's then reviewing APEA's question book on the subject. Then- move to the next subject and repeat.

I also took the AANP practice exam, familyNP 10 pack of exams, and two of the APEA practice exams.

I feel like the best way to approach the test is subject by subject and do not move forward until you have a good grasp on the content you are studying. The practice exams tease out areas where you need to read up on.

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