Failed AANP

Specialties NP


Specializes in Emergency Medicine and Family Medicine.

Well, I just took the AANP and failed it. I am so dissapointed in myself. I was scoring 68-72% on the practice exams and predictor exams. I took the Amelie review course and studied that and Fitz review. I just knew I was going to pass and then it came across the screen NOT PASSED. I feel the exam was pretty tough in my opinion. I also freaked out during te exam and had a hard time concentrating on the questions. I am just discouraged and dissapointed.

Now what do I do?

Can you retake it?

Specializes in Emergency Medicine and Family Medicine.

Lol, yes, thank The Lord I can retake it! I have to wait 2 months to retest. I am just discouraged because I failed and I wonder how many other people out there failed their first time.

Also, is anyone has any suggestions on studying this next time?

Try taking the ANCC exam instead?

Specializes in Mental Health.

Start meditating. I'm serious. You have test anxiety, and the best way is to learn how to relax. PM me if you want more info. It's pretty easy to find resources online. I recommend starting with basic focusing on the breath after you learn how to breath properly (deep bellow breathing)

Specializes in Emergency Medicine and Family Medicine.

I will take the AANP again in 2 months. I'll look into that meditating. Thanks guys.

Specializes in leadership, corrections.

A solid foundation in the concepts/disease process/patho/treatment/etc is a must. Once you have this and can tell me about the different processes etc. You can handle any exam. If you just do practice exams and don't have a solid foundation on the basics, your chances of passing will be decreased a lot. IJS

So sorry to hear must have been a major disappointment. I don't really have any advice about studying, but just know you have a lot of support and well wishes here! This is a minor speed bump in your career journey! GL!

Specializes in Emergency Medicine and Family Medicine.

Thanks Megan :)

That stinks!! I think its probably every new grad's worst fear. It is for me right now anyways. Are you planning on studying differently between now and when you take it again? I'm doing the Fitz CDs, question book and will review my class notes from last semester as they were based on current treatment protocols.. Maybe take a look into your old class notes?

Specializes in Emergency Medicine and Family Medicine.

That sounds like a good idea :)

Specializes in Pain, critical care, administration, med.

I took the AANP for adult in March and passed. I struggled through school but made up my mind I can only try to do my best. So I focused on my weak areas and that is what I studied. I used Leik and Fitzgerald as my study book. I learned mnemonics for whatever I could find. I did tons of study questions and whatever I got wrong I reviewed.

I wasn't sure the day I took the test I was ready but I prepared myself. I went in and immediately wrote down my mnemonics on the scrap they gave me. I made sure I took a break midway just to take a deep breath. I found the test odd. What I mean is sometimes I think it seemed picking the answer was too easy. I would read the question and eliminate as many answers possible. If I couldn't narrow it down I marked it and went back. I can tell you when I hit the submit button I wasn't sure.

So you can do it the questions are straight forward so don't read into the question. Good luck!

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