Breastfeeding questions

Specialties NICU


Just wondering what your thoughts are on this..

I know that especially in our culture today breastfeeding is the absolute it thing to do, but sometimes it is not best for the baby, or not done correctly (ex. outside admissions for hyperbili, baby is dehydarated and tada..exclusively breastfeed; we give them the first bottle and they chug it down!). My questions are:

1. What are your thoughts on nipple confusion?

2. Is there a corellation between breast milk and jaundice really?

3. How do you thaw and/do you refridge refreeze milk?

4. using a pacifier?

Of course, in the NICU it's a little different because we have to put the baby's health first, and once it's explained (in an ideal world you could breastfeed your child, but he/she is in the NICU, this is not ideal!) parents are usually better about it. I have noticed that if a baby will BF he will, and if he won't, he needs a little more support, regardless of the bottle feeding.

We thaw out frozen milk, but we put the rest in the fridge.

We do give children pacifiers if they are not eating and need a soothing mechanism.Thoughts? t.

I'd also like to add that when it is doable we absolutely try to help both mom and baby with the process, including setting them up with a lactation consultant. The benefits of breastfeeding cannot be denied, and it's wonderful when it works.

Gompers and Mimi - thanks for your informative and knowledgeable posts.

Good reading in the middle of the night when I can't sleep. :)

My 3 year old was jaundiced and had a few bottles as well as breastfed . . no nipple confusion there and he just recently stopped nursing at 3 1/2.

Mimi - you are right, we are all different. One size fits all doesn't work.


Specializes in Emergency, Cardiac, PAT/SPU, Urgent Care.

This is an interesting and informative link on how supplemental feedings with formula can affect the intestinal flora of an exclusively breastfed baby. Not that this is relevant to the topic of the OP, but I figured it is good info. to know with regards to why some parents might be adamant about no formula. I do agree, however, in special circumstances, formula is the preferred way to provide nutrition to an infant.

I think most nurses would prefer to just feed breastmilk to infants. The problem I have with the parents and nurses who are adamant about no formula is that they can't see the forest for the trees. When faced with a choice of feeding a bottle of formula or admitting a baby to the NICU for an exchange transfusion because they are so dehydrated, common sense would go for the formula.

Specializes in NICU, Infection Control.

I just want to thank everyone. As we know, this can be a very hotly debated topic, and the posters are being great about sticking to the topic, not flaming, etc. I'm very grateful for that.

Thanks, guys. :yelclap: :bowingpur :yeah: :1luvu: :bow: :thankya: :w00t: :heartbeat :loveya: :flowersfo

Specializes in ER. This is a great page explaning nipple confusion, in a much more clear way than I was :D

And sadly there are women who definitely should not be BFing, if they are taking any sort of illegal drugs, they cannot be exposing their baby to that :( Sad that it even is an issue

And sadly, this is being given as a reason why a woman should not BF. Isn't this a reason why they should not be caring for an infant reguardless of the feeding method? Scary to imagine a drug addict taking a helpless infant home.


It's not just illegal drugs though. A lot of women are on legitimate medications that are contraindicated in breastfeeding.

Specializes in ER.
It's not just illegal drugs though. A lot of women are on legitimate medications that are contraindicated in breastfeeding.

Does your hospital use Hale for drug information?


Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.
I have sucsessfully breast fed two children and am now breastfeeding my third. Breastmilk is what nature intended and is in every case the best food for your baby. Humans are the only species of animal that feeds it's young milk from another animal (a elephant does'nt feed its young girraff's milk). None of my babies have ever had nipple confussion. You can express milk and refridgerate or freeze it, but you cannot refreeze breastmilk or warm it in the microwave. None of my kids ever took a pacifier.

In the case of NORMAL healthy moms, yes, breast is best. But if a mom is a drug-user or HIV positive, it becomes a question of what is truly "best" for baby. Also, very heavy smokers sometimes can't produce enough nutritious milk to feed adquately. Sometimes, supplementation is essential to infant wellbeing.

So, no, in "every case" breastfeeding is NOT best. It depends on the situation.

Does your hospital use Hale for drug information?


We use a hotline I think it was motherisk. Most medications are not contraindicated in breastfeeding, but some are and if you are in a high risk ob center like I am, that be a somewhat common occurence....

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

Yes, additionally although rare, there are situations where a mom's physical illness/condition are contraindications for breastfeeding.

Seriously Deb, there are some days when I wonder if I'm the only woman alive who isn't on lithium!

Specializes in ER.
Seriously Deb, there are some days when I wonder if I'm the only woman alive who isn't on lithium!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Last semster I told a Psychology course and while talking about anti-despressants it was mentioned that they can lower libido. Nearly the whole class nodded in agreement! I swear HALF of the class knew all about this from personal experience.


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