I just have to know NOW! Really?

Nursing Students NCLEX


I'm talking to you, the new grad who just took the NCLEX and is now "freaking out" because you can't get an immediate, definitive answer as to whether you passed. This is not a video game where you find out right away whether you got more gold coins or died. This is not even the ICU, where you dial up the pressors and the septic patient's BP goes up right away or it doesn't.

You, and every other NCLEX-taker, should forget the "PV trick" or any other grasp-at-straws method of gaming the official system. By now we expect that you, our new colleague, will be mature enough to wait to get your results from the only definitive source, the state board of nursing.

So it might take an extra day or two, or maybe until Monday. Oh, wow. Did you freak out because you didn't get your Christmas presents on December 22 right after you sat in Santa's lap at the mall? :)

You think you'll always get the answer you want immediately, all the time, every time, for the rest of your life? Newsflash: Not gonna happen. If this is the first time you had to wait, like, gee, 72 hours for something, then consider it practice for the many times this will occur in the rest of your life. If it isn't the first time, then, well, it isn't.

This too shall pass. Patience is a virtue. In a year-- heck, in a month or a week-- it won't matter one bit whether you found out the same day, in 12 hours, or on four days. Yes, I totally get how important getting licensed is to the rest of your life, to all your dreams for your future, to what you're going to say to your friends and family. You think every RN doesn't know that? Of course we do. We all did this before you, remember? However. Deep breath.

Try to act in a mature fashion, like important things have happened to you before and you handled them fine, and don't go around looking (and posting) so middle-school-drama-distraught. You know what? It will be what it will be. Try to hold onto that thought. It's out of your hands now, you did your best, and now you are waiting for the answer like the adult you must be if you have finished a professional course of study.

And good luck. We need you out here.


Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

This thread is in the NCLEX forum where we invite and expect students and nurses-in-waiting to discuss the dreaded NCLEX monster.

The NCLEX is an all-important step in the life of every nurse (or, nurse-to-be).

Waiting for the results is time-consuming the ability to patiently wait differs.

For me, it was all I thought about for months until I rec'd that envelope.

For others, they never gave it another thought until the results came in.

IMO, we should allow all those waiting to post exactly how they feel about this experience and if reading about this topic is irritating to some, bypass it w/o comment.

Otherwise a (genuine) "good luck" is the perfect comment.

Closing this thread.

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