Failed NCLEX

Nursing Students NCLEX


Hey guys, i learned today that I failed NCLEX. My computer shut off at 222. I honestly think it was my basic knowledge because i only had a few prioritize and conference questions.

A lot of my questions were about "which priority would require follow up" and "which priority statement by the client require follow-up"

I had used UWorld, LaCharity, Hurst, and Mark Klimek's audio. These resources helped me prioritize clients in the higher level questions but I was wondering if there are resources that review basic fundamental knowledge/skills and technical knowledge?

it's been so long since i took my fundamental/skills/medical surgical nursing classes so there were a few questions that I forgot

Good luck next time. I took mine today and this test was awful.

I didn't pass mine either... On the 23rd of June.. With 200 questions. I did the online hurst, Lacharity and a few Kaplan questions. I feel like the only one that helped me get through ALMOST the whole thing was the fact that I had knowledge of prioritization...thanks to Lacharity. So now.. That I know how the test looks like... I know what to study ya know..

From what I've read on these forums discussions... UWorld is wonderful for answering questions..they say that Uworld is harder than the NCLEX questions....🤔🤔What is your experience on U world?

I used only UWORLD to prepare to my test and It was almost as hard as the actual NCLEX. I took mine today and shut off on 75 questions. I did the PVT one hour after the test and got the good pop up !

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