Desperate for help or a study group for the RN NCLEX

Nursing Students NCLEX


Hi everyone,

First of all congrats to those that passed their NCLEX!

I just don't know where to ask for help, but here i am posting this thread and desperate for help or looking for a buddy/a study group to prepare for the test.. It hurts so much as i am writing this post, sadly i already took the test 4 times and all failed. I just don't know how to study i tried everything that i could possibly could.

the first test i got 75 and failed..the last 3 i got 265 questions and failed all. i am so close to give it up, i sometimes told myself that maybe nursing is not my for me. But yet i had invested so much money and now i have no job but do a little job that pays very little just to pay for my test, my rent and student loan.

here are what i have used.






Quick Fact for Nclex

I spent at least 12hrs a day to study, I watched ton of vids on youtube, watched all the vids on Kaplan, made ton of index cards/notes.. I asked for one one one NCLEX tutor which costs $100-150/hr. I can't afford to do that now. All my friends are working and busy with their lives i don't want to bother them and plus i am very disappointed at myself and pretty much isolated myself from everyone.

Please if anyone could give or give some tips or needs a buddy to study together we can use skype!

thank you so much

I really need help with passing nclex rn I'm a repeated test taker

Hello Ladydee14. I just took my NCLEX-RN after being unsuccessful the first time. The first time around I used Kaplan, which for many has been very useful. However, it didn't match my style or learning. After checking different NCLEX review questions banks I chose Uworld. I can tell you more about how I organized my studies if you prefer.

For now, know that I completed all their qbanks and 2 assessment test. About a week before my test I reviewed my notes in conjunction to Mark Klemik guides. I also completed the majority of the Priority and Delegation LaCharity book. Compared to my first time, I felt 100% prepared especially w/SATA questions.

First, don't schedule your test without truly knowing how and when you will be done prepping for the test. Also, don't aim for the 75 mark, that is not the goal and will only bring you anxiety. Passing that mark only means you need a bit more. You are still in the game. Please reach out and seek help, I'm sure you just need a better way to see things and you will be successful the next time around. I'll be checking this thread in case there is something I can do to help you.

Dont forget that you are a Nurse because you successfully earned your Nursing degree. This is just a test and I'm 100% sure you will be successful.

Hello Ladyscrubs,

I would like to know when you are avaliable to tutor etc. can you forward your details to [email protected] much apprecitated!!!

Specializes in Emergency Nursing.


I'm so sorry that you're struggling... The NCLEX is really hard, and I admire your persistence. You CAN do it!

What study strategies have you used in the past? You mentioned UWorld and Kaplan, did you complete the question banks? What are you scoring in general on your practice exams? When doing SATA questions, do you read each option as a true/false statement? Do you have test anxiety?


I could use a study buddy! I have failed last month and am planning to take it again next month. I just started studying again for it. I plan to purchase ncsbn. it's a 3 weeks study plan and I believe its $50. If youre still interested let me know the best way for us to contact each other. Also, where are you located?

I too need help I am getting ready to re-test after failing the NCLEx in 2015 while 8 months pregnant. I haven't had to money or time to try again but now that my son is getting older I have a bit more time and have started studying again. If anyone has tips or study guides that could help I would appreciate it.

Hi. My story is very very similar to yours. I don't plan to give up and even if I will never work as an RN I am determined to pass this exam just to prove to myself that I can. I'm a repeat test taker. Planning to retake in December. That's about 4 months and probably a few days of prep. I think I need to start from scratch because it's been a long time since I graduated. Im not even sure how to go about studying anymore. Have used Kaplan before but honestly didn't fully utilize it. This time around I'm using Uworld for practice questions and Saunders and Kaplan for content. Would love a study buddy or at least parallel study where we can review tests together that we have completed and keep each other accountable and motivated. Let me know if you or anyone's interested. Also if anyone has any tips please let me know.

Well I took it originally at 6 hrs and 265 and failed it. Then test anxiety and life got in the way but 7 yrs later I did it in 75 questions in about an hour and a half and passed it.

Here is what I finally figured out,

It's been 7 years since I took the exam and I could have taken it 20-40 times since and ONE of those I think I would have passed it.

And although it costs about 400.00 to take it each time, I spent 30 thousand on school.

So this time, I set the exam date 6 weeks out and spent 6 hours a day studying.

I listened to Hurst and used the blank answer pages to answer along, I used flash cards with all the Hurst Normal lab values (about 30) until I knew them (did them multiple times a day). I watched all the Kaplan videos and did the decision tree the way they say to/

I studied like it was my job for 6 weeks and then got a late afternoon (2pm) test time and just did it, and I was shaking right up until I started, then I calmed down, and went through the steps for each question.

I learned a lot of content from Hurst And a lot of content and test strategy from Kaplan. (The Kaplan videos are a lot but worth it).

I just figured I would make an appt to take the test, study, take it and if I didn't pass it at least I would get over my test anxiety. Then, if I had to, I would take it every couple of months till I pass, so next year I can at least say, I took it a couple of times.

I think that's why I passed it.

I didn't put so much pressure on passing it this one time and on being SUPER prepared this ONE time. I just said screw it, I know some things and I do not know others and I can't know everything so I took it with what I knew and passed it.

Seriously, study, take it, and if you don't pass it, take it again.

Hell if you end up taking it 10 times it will be old hat and no big deal by then and you will pass it because you will get a feel for what you know and what you do not know, but need to.

If I could go back 7 years I would kick my own butt and make me take the test as many times as it took.

I have not helped tutor on the NCLEX but I have on other subjects so if you want to talk about what to study and what helped me, email me at [email protected]

[email protected]

really sorry that i haven't checked this forum. but yes much appreciate if you can share you notes .... thank you

Thank you everyone for words of encouragement, i have felt very down in the last few days, most of my friends are working and enjoy their new lives and careers. Here i am still working at my old job and make very little money, but whatever i make i have to pay for my rent, student loans and yes the re-take test fee. I feel like i am a prisoner for my nclex, i don't have a life but study and work. For those who still need a study buddy i would really appreciate if you can contact me at my email [email protected].

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