male nurses with beards

Nurses Men


I was just wondering what you all thought about male nurses with beards. I was wanting to grow a beard neatly trimmed of course, you know close to the face, not a grizzley adams beard. would the beard appear slouchy unprofessional or what? I just don't want to look like bum to my patients.

As a bearded male soon to be RN I find this topic near and dear to me. I work in EMS, so I'm often in ER departments, and though I've noticed more than a few male nurses with facial hair, the clean shaven variety outnumber the non. I have seen some pretty "eccentric" beards though. I'm sure it depends on the facility/department, but for the most part sporting facial hair seems to be just fine.

Specializes in Trauma, ER, ICU, CCU, PACU, GI, Cardiology, OR.
i was just wondering what you all thought about male nurses with beards. i was wanting to grow a beard neatly trimmed of course, you know close to the face, not a grizzley adams beard. would the beard appear slouchy unprofessional or what? i just don't want to look like bum to my patients.

i can only speak for myself, since i sport a very close "goatee " it almost looks like a 5:00 o'clock shadow. obviously, following your institution's guideline on staff appearances, i don't see why not?...ciao~

Specializes in Corrections, Education, Med/Surg, AGNP-HIV.

Now answer me this.... who has a good remedy for beardruff? It has been really bad in the winter.

Make sure you dry it well after you wash or shower. Try Nizoral to wash, and apply hydrocortisone afterwards.

I never thought of the beard and goatee situation in the ways you guys have described. It makes sense especially the groomed to fit the N95 mask; it reminds me of the military. Great info and its great to know I can keep my goatee :)

I have a beard , have no problem with my beard at work,I have been working in Hospital of Saudi Arabia since 2007,My hospital is fine with it and all staff respect

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