Rbeck911 BSN, RN

Occupational Health/Legal Nurse Consulting

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About Rbeck911

Rbeck911 has 12 years experience as a BSN, RN and specializes in Occupational Health/Legal Nurse Consulting.

I am an Occupational Health Nurse, proud father and husband, and avid motorcycle enthusiast. Also, a huge Indianapolis Colts Fan. I come from an emergency background. I am always seeking to develop both personally and professionally. Complacency and I do not mix well, and I strive to develop until the day I retire.

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  1. Rbeck911

    Shadow DOT NP

    Reach out to local Occupational Health Centers. They will likely allow for this as many are trying to recruit good NPs.
  2. Rbeck911

    need advice on proposal

    Well, this is interesting. If you have an entrepreneurial spirit, the pitch will come naturally. Identify all of the requirements from the state and fed that a nurse could positively affect. Identify areas of risk, or a "gap analysis" from which yo...
  3. There is not really a school of occupational health. Occupational health is a nursing position that entails many extra certifications that you attend classes for. These can be:. COHN or COHN-S, NIOSH Spirometry, COHC, OSHA 30, CCM, etc. COHN-s is ...
  4. Rbeck911

    need advice on proposal

    Can you give a bit more information? What type of industry? Are you a nurse yourself? I would be happy to discuss this in more detail with you, as it is what I do for a living.
  5. Rbeck911

    Suture Training for Nurses

    Haha I like where your head is at. We are an on-site clinic, so there is no reimbursement, but rather cost savings. If anyone has an answer for me, I am still watching the thread. Thanks
  6. Rbeck911

    Suture Training for Nurses

    Problem is, we are actually an Occupational Health Clinic, so we don't really have a suture rep. Really looking for a workshop or training, but I appreciate your suggestion. I figured if anyone knows about this topic, it is likely rural ER nurses.
  7. Rbeck911

    Suture Training for Nurses

    My manager has asked me to seek out a suturing course for RNs. Is anyone here familiar with a good course? Location does not matter, as long as it is in the US. Thanks in advance.
  8. Do you have to have a BSN to apply for these positions? No I read you need Get at least 3,000 hours of experience in occupational health to become certified. Many of the jobs I was looking at said you need to be certified. Where can I start to ge...
  9. Rbeck911

    Caption Contest

    Doctor: "What are you doing?" Nurse: "This is the only way I can make a value judgement."
  10. Rbeck911


    I am about 3/4 of the way through. I have been very happy with the program so far. You have to be motivated to study, of course, if you are taking the exam route. My advice is just take your time, don't try to rush. The good thing about this prog...
  11. Rbeck911

    Passed Health Differences 1

    Well, I passed Health Differences 1. I was fully expecting a C, at best, and ended up with a B. I really had this exam built up in my head as something extremely difficult. Similar to advancing from courses like pharm and onto med surge and actual...
  12. Rbeck911

    Random Drug Screens

    To each their own.
  13. Rbeck911

    Do women find male nurses attractive?

    Dude, I ride my Harley Davidson with my scrubs on past construction workers and give them the bird! Bahaha, well, I don't give them the bird, but it doesn't bother me at all. They probably just think your a doctor. Don't worry about it. It doesn'...
  14. Rbeck911

    Random Drug Screens

    Anyone can sue for anything. It depends on your process really, in how well that protects you. Is the associate ever separated from the sample before it is sent out? If so, his initials mean nothing, technically. Unless he follows that sample all...
  15. Rbeck911

    Random Drug Screens

    We also test in house. If we have a non-negative drug screen (legally compliant reference) we sent them to an occ health clinic to provide another sample. Sending off the same sample doesn't really do anything for you as far as third party verificat...