PediLove2147 BSN, RN

Pediatric Cardiology

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About PediLove2147

PediLove2147 has 7 years experience as a BSN, RN and specializes in Pediatric Cardiology.

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  1. PediLove2147

    Such thing as too late to negotiate?

    I work in a clinic within a hospital. It is still considered outpatient and I am paid as such. I came from the floor and took a significant pay cut. Are you required to do nights/weekends/holidays? The low rate could be attributed to that. It doesn’t...
  2. PediLove2147

    New job resume help

    That's what I thought too, thanks!
  3. PediLove2147

    New job resume help

    I haven't posted in a while but I have a question. I am thinking about applying for a clinic job, I currently work on an inpatient pediatric floor. The clinic is within my hospital and it would be the same kiddos I already see every day. How far bac...
  4. PediLove2147

    New Graduate RN in Boston

    When I graduated I could not find anything in acute care. After applying everywhere I was finally was offered a job in pediatric private duty. It actually paid pretty well and was full time. They are for the most part stable kids/adults so it wasn't ...
  5. PediLove2147

    Pts doing illegal stuff while in hospital

    We found a patient smoking marijuana in his bathroom. We had another patient that was found with heroin in her room, went out front and bought it. Apparently you can buy drugs outside our hospital!
  6. PediLove2147

    Should pts w/ + sputum cultures be on droplet precautions?

    Only +MRSA patients at my hospital are placed on precautions.
  7. PediLove2147

    Second interview, same manager

    Thanks, I do want to clarify this is not a second interview in the traditional sense. I interviewed back in November for a part-time position. It will be the same manager though so I guess it kind of is a second interview. I'll keep you posted. I am ...
  8. PediLove2147

    Second interview, same manager

    I have an interview tomorrow! I am very excited, it's only per diem but it would be a foot in the door. Anyways, I am interviewing with two nurse managers, one of which I have interviewed with before. I am so nervous because I have to come up with al...
  9. PediLove2147

    Giving report

    I am all for preparing for a shift but get there early and do that on your own time.
  10. PediLove2147

    Full-time to part-time

    It is a benefited position, more expensive of course than what I pay as a full-time employee but I could make it work. Ideally I would stay with my current facility as per-diem then I could work there if I can't pick up any shifts past the 24 I am g...
  11. PediLove2147

    Full-time to part-time

    I had an interview today for a position in the specialty I have been trying to get into since graduation. It is at a great facility, pay is better, the only problem is it is only 24 hours. I don't know what to do. The manager said there would be hour...
  12. PediLove2147

    Thank you note?

    Send a thank you note first thing tomorrow morning. A thank you note never hurts but could help! Good luck, hope you get it!
  13. PediLove2147

    Does your SO understand job stress?

    Nope! My husband doesn't understand why I am tired at the end of the day. "You only work 3 days a week" is his favorite line. He is always asking me to pick up extra shifts. He unfortunately will never understand since he can't come to work with me. ...
  14. PediLove2147

    Are those long hours getting to you?

    I work 12s and while they are long the day of, I like having four days off. I occasionally work an 8 for overtime and boy are those nice!
  15. PediLove2147

    What is your Achilles heel?