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About astonish31

Single mom of 2 on a budget. Seeking a secure career. I attended a 18 month RN program over 8 years ago for two semesters but an unfortunate life circumstance changed those plans. Currently, applying for the PN program at a community college. It is a year program but I only have 5 classes to complete. Will like complete a BSN program, thereafter. I possess a BA in psychology and criminal justice and a MA in counseling. Hope to network with current nursing students/professionals. I desire to specialize in the psych arena. Addition, I hope to gain experience in forensic, SA and the OR. Looking forward to corresponding and learning with you all. If I can be of help then it is my duty assist.

Latest Activity

  1. Hi Pixie.RN. Yea, I have looked into the accelerated program at VCU. However, the deadline for 2014 was Nov 2013. I would have really liked to have applied. I do not want to waste to much time (say like another year or so). I also visited JS Reynolds...
  2. Anxiety

    Anyone experience panic attacks. If so, any tips when nursing school is a situation trigger? I've tried all the techniques I know as I am a clinician. However, thinking of school nursing only exacerbate the symptoms. Please do not say to rethink nurs...
  3. Just as important but less intensed?

    Hey you guys! Just wondering your thoughts on going to school for LPN vs. RN. Are the LPN classes less intense than RN? For those who have completed both programs, what were your experiences and circumstances. What might be the most difficult and bes...
  4. Thanks Pixie. RN for your insight. I am near the Richmond area. I have searched extensively for both PN & RN programs. I have undergrad degrees in Psychology and Criminal Justice. I also have a graduate degree in counseling; however, this field i...
  5. Thanks for your insight. I am near the Richmond area. I have searched extensively for both PN & RN programs. I have undergrad degrees in Psychology and Criminal Justice. I also have a graduate degree in counseling; however, this field is highly c...
  6. Thanks PVCCHoo for your response. I have decided to go to J Reynolds to apply for PN. It takes a year. Luckily, I have only to complete nursing classes and not both general and nursing classes. I have completed all pre-reqs and need to attend an educ...
  7. Hey everyone. I am kind of pressured to get started ASAP. Due to the years of my pre-req's and deadlines. Could someone offer some advice on at least one of my questions. I do appreciate it.
  8. Could someone give some insight into a good 2014 LPN or RN program that is less than two years? Also, factoring in cost and accreditation. Hiring prospective after graduation and NCLEX pass. Are there any online LPN programs in central VA? I've searc...