Berry Monster

Berry Monster

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  1. Mount St. Mary's College ABSN SUMMER 2014

    @Dreamer2291-- I have one class (anatomy) in progress, but I am literally done with the class tomorrow. I made sure to mention that during my interview, and I was told that having a class(s) in progress would not affect my admission but I won't know ...
  2. Mount St. Mary's College ABSN SUMMER 2014

    CONGRATULATIONS to everyone who got accepted. I am so nervous to I won't until tomorrow. Once I am done with my last prereq! ;)
  3. Mount St. Mary's College ABSN SUMMER 2014

    Good luck Daffodilrobot....
  4. Mount St. Mary's College ABSN SUMMER 2014

    Good luck Annie753
  5. Finally got hired!

    @SunshineDaisy-- Congrats. Isn't that funny how things work out? Also, are you a new RN grad nurse with a BSN? If so, how long did it take you to establish employment? How long after you graduated did you take your NCLEX? Best, Berry
  6. Mount St. Mary's College ABSN SUMMER 2014

    @Dreamer2291-- My personal statement was about 2 pages, single spaced. I had to revise it a bit when I went from ADN to ABSN. It was very similar, though. I just added a paragraph. Good luck, Berry
  7. MSMC ABSN Summer 2012

    @hdkim-- I have a few questions about the ABSN program. Would you mind emailing me at [email protected] as I would love to hear from previous students. I would appreciate any help, Berry
  8. Mount St. Mary's College Los Angeles AccBSN 2013 Applicants

    @aleong29-- I have a few questions about the ABSN program. Would you mind emailing me at [email protected] as I would love to hear from previous students. I would appreciate any help, Berry
  9. Mount St. Mary's College Los Angeles AccBSN 2013 Applicants

    @ourbaba-- I have a few questions about the ABSN program. Would you mind emailing me at [email protected] as I would love to hear from previous students. I would appreciate any help, Berry
  10. Mount St. Mary's College ABSN SUMMER 2014

    @daffodilrobot-- Thanks for the update. I wish you the best. Best, Berry
  11. Mount St. Mary's College ABSN SUMMER 2014

    @absnb-- I believe they are still conducting interviews next week. I would imagine that decisions for acceptance will be mailed out by early February. Though, I think they post their decision on WebAdvisor which may come soon than the letter. Good l...
  12. Mount St. Mary's College ABSN SUMMER 2014

    Good luck!!
  13. Mount St. Mary's College ABSN SUMMER 2014

    @Aleks1281-- Thanks for the update. My interview was today and I have to agree, the staff were all very nice. My interview was short and to the point. Nothing out of the ordinary; though, I did ask if having a class in progress would disqualify me fr...
  14. Mount St. Mary's College ABSN SUMMER 2014

    xjblee88x-- Thanks for your post. I have a few questions about the program; do you think your friend would be amenable to speak with me? I am interested in finding out how he/she enjoyed the program and what to expect from the program--once admitted....
  15. Mount St. Mary's College ABSN SUMMER 2014

    @xjblee88x-- Seems that nothing is ever done in a uniform fashion. However, it looks like they have started calling prospective students for interviews this week and next; which is sooner than last year's cohort Kindest regards, Berry