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  1. Terpole

    considering crna school after bsn

    not to be a stickler, but there's a lot of misinformation in this post
  2. Terpole

    FGCU Starting January 2014

    No I didn't. Will you attend FGCU in January nursed40?
  3. Florida is a terrible place for beside nursing. With no shortage of nursing mills or new grads who'd willingly sign up for such terrible working conditions
  4. Terpole

    FGCU Starting January 2014

    I'd love to do a shift a week. I'm thinking about taking a travel assignment in the area around October and then going PRN after that during school. I don't know if that's realistic. We have 18 credit hours/8 classes the first semester (unless you to...
  5. Terpole

    FGCU Starting January 2014

    I'm trying to find a decent place that's within my budget (800/month or less?). Location isn't too much of a factor for me. I would be open to having a roommate but only if they're a grad student as well. I'm currently in Jacksonville, FL, right now ...
  6. Terpole

    Any applicants to Florida Gulf Coast University?

    That's AWESOME. I lost $400 to another school, as a deposit. And since it held my spot and non-refundable, I won't get it back...
  7. Terpole

    FGCU Starting January 2014

    I was and I'll be there in the spring. How far are you along with finding a place to stay? Will you live with your in-laws? I'm thinking about having a roommate to lower cost but only if they're also a grad student, perferably in our program. But the...
  8. Terpole

    Any applicants to Florida Gulf Coast University?

    same here, all the letter said is whether I accept or decline admission
  9. Terpole

    Any applicants to Florida Gulf Coast University?

    I received a call over 2 weeks ago but I haven't received the official letter of acceptance yet with the deposit instructions. Has anybody received the letter yet?
  10. Terpole

    Any applicants to Florida Gulf Coast University?

    Just got the call! I got in!! Dunk City y'all...
  11. Terpole

    Any applicants to Florida Gulf Coast University?

    shani, did you also apply to Barry? How many schools you applied to? Which one's your first choice?
  12. Terpole

    "Anesthesiologists are gaming the system"

    Excellent post but may I ask the source of information from the bulleted points?
  13. Terpole

    Any applicants to Florida Gulf Coast University?

    anybody heard anything yet? I was told that decisions were going to be made by July 12th.
  14. So in theory it's supposed to give CRNAs a stipend (extra $$$) to work at critical access hospitals or rural hospitals?
  15. http://www.cms.gov/Outreach-and-Education/Medicare-Learning-Network-MLN/MLNMattersArticles/Downloads/MM7896.pdf I stumbled upon this earlier today and I know it's a little out of date, it refers to rural and critical access hospitals receiving "pass-...