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  1. Tips for Chemistry

    Be familiar with periodic table. I took Chemistry years ago, so I cannot remember anything, but I do remember that we used periodic table many times.
  2. What kind of classes will be helpful for Nursing classes?

    Hmm.. What do you mean by "additional familiarity"? Maybe Child Development?
  3. I will be starting clinical in Fall of 2014. Meanwhile, I get to take a few psychology classes for minor. I have some choices and would like some opinions. "Examines the effects of psychoactive drugs on neuro-chemical, mental, and behavioral processe...
  4. Killing me softly!

    Relax and Enjoy. Waiting part was a diseaster for me as well. You cannot do anything about it! Go have fun! Sent from my iPhone using allnurses.com, so please understand my typos.
  5. Dominican University Fall 2013 Accepted Students

    BUMP Sent from my iPhone using allnurses.com, so please understand my typos.
  6. "Not too bad" nursing school?

    I was talking to some gentleman and then I told him I will be going to nursing school in next fall. I said the name of the school and it turned out that it was his relatives who went there. I asked him how did he/she like it? And he said it's wasn'...
  7. I got accepted :)

    Wheee! Congrats!
  8. Who's ready for tomorrow?!

    I don't have classes on Monday, but I have orientation for my volunteer for Skilled Nursing Unit at local hospital! Half-scared and half-excited!
  9. Staying healthy and going to school.

    Good for you. Way to stay healthy. Sent from my iPhone using allnurses.com, so please understand my typos.
  10. Microbiology Fall 2013!!!

    Good luck! I took that about 2 years ago. Now, I finished all my pre-reqs now. Sent from my iPhone using allnurses.com, so please understand my typos.
  11. Anatomy flashcards - Netter's vs. Kaplan

  12. What did/do you dissect in A&P lab?

    Cow's eye and sheep's heart Sent from my iPhone using allnurses.com, so please understand my typos.
  13. Keep calm and pre req on

    Yep. Don't give up on anything. Everyone would get that feeling at some point. Sent from my iPhone using allnurses.com, so please understand my typos.
  14. Keep calm and pre req on

  15. Is everybody ready for fall'13? Good luck everyone

    Good luck everyone! I am done with all my science pre reqs, so I will be taking Ethics (pre-req for my program) and Men's Health for my Associates. :) Sent from my iPhone using allnurses.com, so please understand my typos.