Defibn' RN, EMT-P


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About Defibn'

Defibn' has 10 years experience as a RN, EMT-P and specializes in SRNA.

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  1. Defibn'


    Most employers will not ask, nor care, what your CRNA school GPA is/was. Just keep grinding and don't get kicked out.
  2. Defibn'

    What are your GPA in CRNA school so far?

    I'm almost done with didactic. I've made a couple high Bs. I will graduate all the same.
  3. Defibn'

    Intubation Should Be A Nursing Skill, Especially Now

    It is not so much that initials matter when it comes to intubations. It is experience. On the floors of a hospital (pre-COVID) airway management was an infrequent, high-stakes practice. When you have a procedure that is infrequently used, you want it...
  4. Defibn'

    Reaching our to director-unprofessional?

    I think this is perfectly acceptable. You may not get a response though. They have a lot on their plates. If there is an admissions coordinator or something you may have better luck there. However, as long as the email is professional, I don't see ho...
  5. Defibn'


    What is it about ICU that would prevent from doing 2 years? Your overall GPA is competitive, but your science GPA is not. Will you get in with 1 year? Maybe. I would recommend getting a competitive GRE score. We can't promise you that you would get ...
  6. Defibn'

    Poss of Marijuana on background check?

    Yeah, you need to be honest about it. Tell them now. Of course it is dishonest behavior not to mention it even though it has been "sealed." Just assume they'll know anyways. Might as well get out in front of it. It's not like you were doing heroin. H...
  7. Defibn'

    ICU Experience Required for CRNA School

    If CRNA is your goal. Don't take the job.
  8. Defibn'

    CRNA: Will my stats qualify me?

    Sure you have a chance. GPA is the hole in your application. Don't let yourself have any more holes. Do well on the GRE. Get an A in this grad class you are taking. Get your CCRN when you can. For your own sake, don't be heartbroken if you don't get ...
  9. Defibn'

    Going through CRNA school with young children

    Sounds like you have a great support system in place. The hardest part, aside from having a strong support system, is just all the time you don't get to spend with them. But it is doable. Many before us have done it. Truly, if you have dependable chi...
  10. Defibn'

    Nursing Licensure while in school.

    The rule deals with "primary domicile." It is confusing. If you are wanting to keep your NC license and plan on moving back there then you would need to have a mailing address and DL from NC. You could use a family member's address I guess. I went ah...
  11. Defibn'

    Wanting to return to CRNA school

    A lot of SRNAs come from night shift. It can be hard to get on day shift as a new nurse. Also, a lot of SRNAs also did some traveling to save up money. It all depends on the acuity of patients you cared for and how you can articulate your experience....
  12. You will find that many programs will be understanding of that. Use this to your advantage. Show that you have developed healthy coping mechanisms. Reflect how you learned more about yourself through the process. Showing that you are willing to addre...
  13. Defibn'

    CRNA Student Loans

    That's tough. Unfortunately, they do not usually include any money except for YOU. Childcare and the like are not usually included. Like for me, I have two kids and cannot take any more money out than a single 25 year old. The only other option I hav...
  14. Defibn'

    CRNA Student Loans

    I took out the federal direct loans and the discover health professions loan up to the cost of attendance. Your cost of attendance should include living expenses. My advice is to call the financial aid office and get this sorted out.
  15. Defibn'

    Money support while in CRNA program

    Saved up a good chunk of money before school. However, I am taking out loans to cover tuition and cost of living right now. I may deplete my savings later in the program as I am just in the first year. You never know what can happen over the course o...