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  1. rosomebody007

    The Blue Hair Nurse

    A friend and ex coworker posted on facebook about how much she has been criticized by her superiors at the hospital for her new hairdo... She decided to get a new hair color: blue... Unconventional color in the conservative nursing system in Panama w...
  2. BuckyBadger, When I decided to write about this topic was because I have done my research and experienced by first hand all the process and visa information.
  3. Silverdragon, Thank you for your positive thought.
  4. IAMNOMAD, I have heard about plenty of nurses from the Philippines in this area. As you said, we have to seek for the right information before daydream in what would or would not happen.
  5. Well Pegkyzina... I obviously was not thinking thoroughly. If I had thought about it, I would have never left the hospital in my country to see the world...
  6. Hello Esme, Thank you for the link. Again, that is the point that I want to present. The reality of employment for foreign nurses. With a 47% of unemployment among new graduates, it does not make any sense to believe that a foreign has an opportunity...
  7. Hello Notdoneyet, I think nurses have a wonderful personality. I understand very well your position as a citizen and as a nurse. However, if this information does not reach the dreamers, the reality of nursing employment in the United States will nev...
  8. Hello Beshacohen, It does make sense. As you said I don't want to compete with my friends either.
  9. Hi Nola, There is nothing unempathetic about your comment. That is the point that I am trying to make with this article. The country has highly trained professionals in the nursing field that are struggling because they have not been able to find a j...
  10. Hello BuckyBadgerRN, I consider that nursing has plenty of myths that should be cleared off. As you said, it is difficult for an American nurse to find an employment opportunity in the country. The hospitals, homes, and other medical centers want nu...
  11. Hello Kipahni, I went through the credential evaluation process by the CGFNS and my credentials from my country are equal to an BSN in the US. Thus, I can infer that my country offers the same education that the US do. I also passed the NCLEX RN exam...
  12. I have never heard so many "nos" as I did today. For the first time in these four years I felt that I have been the biggest fool on Earth. I am a foreign nurse form Panama trying to get a job in the United States. Many people say, "There are plenty o...
  13. I have never heard so many "nos" as I did today. For the first time in these four years I felt that I have been the biggest fool on Earth. I am a foreign nurse form Panama trying to get a job in the United States. Many people say, "There are plenty o...
  14. rosomebody007

    NCLEX Test post NEW California BreEZe System

    Hi Deedee! I am really happy that I saw your post. I have been waiting for my results since the day I presented my exam ( Sept 24). I took my exam in the state of NH which does not have the quick results service and PV does not let you buy it. I did ...
  15. rosomebody007

    Has anyone waited more than three weeks?

    I took the NCLEX RN on September 24 in the state of New Hampshire. I was not aware about the NHBON does not allow the quick result service, thus I could not buy the service. It has been three weeks since I took it and I have not heard about my result...