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  1. Does anyone know of any prep courses for the NCLEX-LPN in or near Lincoln, NE? Just trying to help my step-daughter out a bit Thanks!
  2. "Don't waste your time getting your BSN..."

    As far as direct patient care is involved there is no difference between ADN and BSN, we all passed the same boards and do the same care and should get paid the same amount. As far as management goes, some say BSN's are better, I disagree, it is the...
  3. Do you ever get called, 'Doctor'?

    I get it all the time, just got it last night. I usually tell them about the same thing "no, I do the work while the doc's sleep". :yeahthat:
  4. Add to the story....

    Here is a fun game we used to play way back when our hospital first went to computers. I will start a story below, then read from the beginning and add a sentence or two to the end. The next person adds a couple more lines and so on. This can make ...
  5. Funny Names for Nurses

    This is really true, Dr. Richard "Dick" Hedden MD-Urology. And yes, he did want us to call him Dick!! :rotfl: :rotfl:
  6. "Don't waste your time getting your BSN..."

    I am an RN with an ADN, I have worked M/S, ER, ICU, Charge positions, and supervision and can tell you there is not any difference in ADN and BSN when it comes to staff nursing. In fact ADNs get more hands on during their schooling than BSNs. There...
  7. Things Patients Have Taught Me NOT To Do

    Never try to steal anhydrous ammonia from a large farm tank at 2AM while high on meth. After arriving at the ER do not try to leave AMA by running out the ambulance bay door, skin hanging from face and arms, with only a bath blanket on after the dec...
  8. Roll Call

    Hey guys, good to join you. Where are some more of those jokes Crumbwannabe? Are you still listening in KarenG? How about bass fishing, any enthusiast out there? I personally fish bass tournaments all over the central and southern US and love it...