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  1. NYU ABSN Spring 2013

    Is there anyone who got rejected from nyu & is going to reapply for next term ? Or did anyone get accepted after reapplying for the second time.
  2. NYU ABSN Spring 2013

    Is anyone reapplying for the second time & got in ?
  3. NYU ABSN Spring 2013

    When you log in, does it say "accepted" anywhere under Application Status?
  4. NYU ABSN Spring 2013

    For the people who got in. What were your credentials (gpa, major, work experience, etc.)? I'm still waiting anxiously
  5. Nursing School Application Essay Example

    Hi trepinCT ! I'm new to this forum but I'm applying to a fast track nursing program and need help with my essay. I read your comments and critics towards another member and respect them and find it great constructive criticism. if possible can you p...