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About -Katie-

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  1. First week of ursing school

    Thanks guys! I will definitely remember the feeling. I absolutely hate being behind. I do everything I can to avoid being rushed. Everywhere I go I am always 15mins early. I'm probably not as far behind as I feel, I've read all the reading assignment...
  2. First week of ursing school

    Okay so the first week of nursing school is over. My week went absolutely horrible and I need to vent. I was sick the entire week and only made it to the first day of class (barely made it through that). Now i have to make up 6 hours of lab next week...
  3. Tallahassee Community College Spring '13 Applicants

    lol yea, the rolling backpack is quit tempting. I got three pairs just so I won't have to worry about doing laundry every night. But, i'm pretty sure 2 pairs is fine you'll just have to wash scrubs more often. I think the most important books right n...
  4. Tallahassee Community College Spring '13 Applicants

    Okay, so we need our books. carrying these things is going to make me buff.
  5. Tallahassee Community College Spring '13 Applicants

    Yeah ill prolly bring them too! Maybe i'll email diane and ask her. I just got nike walking shoes that are white leather. I dont think it matters as long as they are white leather. Walmart would prolly be the easiest.
  6. Tallahassee Community College Spring '13 Applicants

    Does anyone know if we need to bring our books to class or not?
  7. Tallahassee Community College Spring '13 Applicants

    Yeah and when i turned in my tmh one the lady that took it said the same thing
  8. Tallahassee Community College Spring '13 Applicants

    I got mine at g willies it took about 3 weeks. I want to say they were about $30 a piece but I'm not 100% because I also got the fleece jacket which is a little more than the scrubs. Also the TCC bookstore said the nursing books will be in about the ...
  9. Tallahassee Community College Spring '13 Applicants

    The nervousness is starting to set in! I think the reality that I am now a nursing student is finally hitting lol still super excited though!
  10. Will I be in over my head? Advice please!

    3.9 GPA WOW! It doesn't sound like you will have any problems to me. College courses aren't easy for anyone. everyone has to spend many many hours studying and pulling their hair out. I think you are up to speed with everyone else if not beyond. be p...
  11. Tallahassee Community College Spring '13 Applicants

    Congrats nanny! I've already taken the CPR class as well. I just finished my shots and took my drug test yesterday. Going to get uniforms on Saturday. So excited!!! See everyone on Friday.
  12. Tallahassee Community College Spring '13 Applicants

    Congrats nanny! I've already taken the CPR class as well. I just finished my shots and took my drug test yesterday. Going to get uniforms on Saturday. So excited!!! See everyone on Friday.
  13. Tallahassee Community College Spring '13 Applicants

    I got in too! Super excited! :)
  14. Tallahassee Community College Spring '13 Applicants

    Well I'm an alternate for the radiology program. Still hoping for nursing acceptance! :/
  15. Tallahassee Community College Spring '13 Applicants

    some time between now and November 7th... feels like its been a century already!