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  1. Did not get accepted?

    Thanks for the contiued help. Still, I'm just a little shocked. I was told that I needed the Micro Lab credit and that it would not effect my application. If what you are saying about getting rejected while taking a class, they should tell you tha...
  2. Did not get accepted?

    I had all prereqs, EXCEPT a 1 CREDIT LAB for micro biology. Thanks for the info. makes me feel a little better. Degree from UNO, 1 credit Mirco Lab from Delgado (didn't want to, but it's close to home) Thanks
  3. Did not get accepted?

    Thanks for the reply! I have a degree in Biology, so I would assume that covered all prereqs? During the application/interview process I was enrolled for a Micro Lab and nothing more. I was told numerous times (called numerous times to make sure) ...
  4. Did not get accepted?

    Just got my letter today and was not accepted. My undergrad GPA is 3.4, I have a BS in Biology and according to the LSU advisor all parts of my application and interview were great. She told me that I was "simply outranked" by other applicants. Is...