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  1. Best way to avoid bedside care?

    I'm an LVN Case manager and I definitely spend more time in front of a computer than a patient. Seems to me that your scribe experience would be helpful there and you can still work in a hospital setting if you want. There are roles for utilization m...
  2. Feeling like a servant

    Sometimes. I work 16 hour shifts on the weekends. It means that I get 4 or 5 days off a week and I like that but those weekends can be awfully long.
  3. Feeling like a servant

    Sometimes. I work 16 hour shifts on the weekends. It means that I get 4 or 5 days off a week and I like that but those weekends can be awfully long.
  4. Feeling like a servant

    I do home health care for pediatric patients who are trached and often vent dependent. Not only am I expected to take care of my patient... the parents usually think I'm a built in babysitter for their other kids as well. I can't let the siblings be ...