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About Crazynurse14

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  1. Is it voodo or curse

    Use ATI---it's what helped me pass the NCLEX. It's great for content. Good luck!
  2. Nclex-pn advice

    Taking the nclex on in week. Tell me your experiences, anyone who has taken it. We're the questions similar to ATI or Kaplan? Please, looking for any advice. Does the ATI virtual review help? Thank you in advance
  3. LPN to RN alternatives?

    Hi all, I'm about to graduate from LPN school next month and I was accepted to ISU, thinking I'd get my prereqs done and apply for their LPN to BSN bridge program online. After I sent my transcripts, they informed me that because I had failed a nursi...
  4. For all who are in the ISU lpn-bsn....

    Hi all, To all those who are in this program, do you have to take a difficult math class as part of the curriculum? I SUCK at math and am terrified of this. Any info would be greatly appreciated.