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About Starfish2012

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  1. Georgia State Nursing Fall 2015

    I wonder if GSU has sent out many letters. I noticed someone in the KSU Fall 2015 thread mentioned she received an acceptance from GSU at the beginning of March, but then again she applied at the end of January. Thanks for the tip dayecota18!
  2. Georgia State Nursing Fall 2015

    KSU and an out-of-state ASBN program. I avoided private programs because of the tuition costs. Does anyone have an opinion on the merits of GSU vs. KSU's nursing program?
  3. Georgia State Nursing Fall 2015

    Hi. I also applied for Fall 2015 ACE program. I'm interested/anxious to see if anyone has gotten an acceptance or rejection yet. Good luck everyone! I have to say, that was the more annoying online application out of the three schools I applied for. ...
  4. Hi Nursing community, I need some help-not sure how to proceed. My father, who is in his 70's, was diagnosed with ALS this past spring. His case, according to one of his doctors, is pretty aggressive. Currently, my mother is the primary caregiver for...
  5. Accepted!

    For those who just got accepted or aspiring to nursing school, did any of your work part-time or full-time while you were doing prereqs. If so, what type of work did you do?
  6. Mount Sinai

    Congrats! Thank you for sharing your story. Good luck in your new position. :)
  7. Hi x_factor, whereabouts do you live? If you don't mind sharing
  8. Good points. Thanks for the info!
  9. I just can't do this anymore...

    I have definitely felt the same way you felt about your job. I dreaded going to work, my boss was a miserable person and made my work life miserable. It took a toll on me, mentally, emotionally you name it. I bailed and it took a while to get over ba...
  10. It's gloomy and cold in the Northeast today. I'm about to start prereqs for nursing school and I can't wait for the day when I'm finally a nurse and can go (mostly) anywhere and have a job. (Today's CNN article aside) I just googled Key West +Nursing...
  11. It's really heartening to see all the different paths that can lead to a nursing career. What is it like as an ER Tech? Do you work in a Level 1 Trauma Center?
  12. Whistle Blowing

    So, if you do witness something-like the safety violation you described above-what would you do? Do you feel partially guilty if you don't report it?
  13. NYC Accelerated BSN programs...

    I went to the SUNY Downstate open house back in October. I'm guessing they have the cheapest tuition of the schools you mentioned and the program is extremely competitive, 500 applicants for 60 spots. I would go there If I got in. What about Hunter? ...
  14. Was hired for my first LPN job, today!!!

    Wow, sounds like you've been working hard! Congrats!
  15. All my NYC Job Hunt Resources & Wisdom

    Great attitude kingofthekicks20! I'm a pre-nursing student in nyc. It's not very heartening news. Have any good news for us?