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About cazman

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  1. Struggling

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  2. Struggling

    Thank you all for the great suggestions! I am not really able to cut back on hours at work. As for the loans, I will have to check into that and see what I can do. I really enjoy working in healthcare and I would like to stay in this field. The job I...
  3. Struggling

    Hello all, I am just working through my generals at this point. I am taking general biology and sociology this semester. I am having a difficult time studying and getting through classes. (Mainly biology) Knowing that I have at least 3 more biology c...
  4. Background check

    Thanks for the information on this balatro. I spoke with a few more people and from the sounds of it, I may not have a chance to continue down this road towards nursing. But I need to dig into this a bit more. Thanks again.
  5. Background check

    Does anyone know how in depth the background check is for healthcare? I have a DUI and one thing on my juvenile record. Just want to find out before I get to far into this program only to find out I can't even pass the background check. Thanks, Z
  6. Being Gay and a Male Nursing Student

    Glad I am non flamboyant. I may be gay, but I don't broadcast it.
  7. This is too funny only because he sounded like a pompus a**. Nursing is not for everyone. I myself am a little concerned about getting through the program, but I am hoping all goes well.
  8. Being Gay and a Male Nursing Student

    Best of luck to you!
  9. Gay male nurse stereotype?

    I have many friends that are nurses, both straight and gay. I myself have worked in healthcare for over 10 years and am a gay man myself. I think there is a larger population of gays and lesbians in healthcare in general, but in nursing itself, I don...
  10. Yesssss!!!

    Congrats! Best of luck!
  11. 2 year or 4 year?

    Thanks! I will be starting from scratch. I know from what I have been finding is that depending on where you want to work (Hospital, nursing home, ect.) You can find a job with either the ADN or BSN. My thought is to get the ADN and then find a job a...
  12. Being Gay and a Male Nursing Student

    Yes, we are! I am sure there are plenty more out there that will be able to shed some light and offer up some words. ? Thank you!
  13. I agree with many of the posts here. I think it would be best to sit down and find out why she feels like that. Keeping communication open can sure be a major plus in a situation like this. Best of luck man!
  14. I plan to pay off all my student loans. Pay off the new car I just bought if it is not paid off yet and then save for a nice home.
  15. Ages of male nursing students?

    36 here. Just starting out. Went to school to be an auto mechanic right out of high school. But have been in the medical field now for about 10 years and could not think of a better field to be in.