emergenceRN17 ASN, BSN, RN

OMFS, Dentistry

RN, DA, and Implant Coordinator

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About emergenceRN17

emergenceRN17 has 6 years experience as a ASN, BSN, RN and specializes in OMFS, Dentistry.

Oral surgery, Implantology, and OR nursing 

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  1. emergenceRN17

    OR vs PACU

    I work in the OR and I love love love it .. best job ever!!
  2. I love the OR. I'm responsible for one patient at a time. Love love love
  3. emergenceRN17

    Hard Time Finding OR Jobs

    Definitely keep your eye out for OR residency programs, Also, look into any schools that offer the PeriOp101 program. Some do, you will have to pay out of your pocket, but once clinical/final exam is completed you will have an easier time.
  4. emergenceRN17

    Linen between local only procedures

    When I work in the pain clinic side as opposed to being assigned an OR, that is exactly what we do. We will se an upwards of 24 pts per day and will fill a dedicated linen bin. If I am in an OR, the linen goes down after each case.
  5. emergenceRN17

    On call

    If there is a call out for an on call shift, a text goes out for a voluntary pick up of the shift. If nobody picks it up, it will then go to the person who is working that day with the least seniority. Then the person who got mandated goes to the b...
  6. emergenceRN17

    Periop 101 books/ resources

    I was also coming here to say Alexanders. I might have an extra copy, let me check for you.
  7. I'm realizing this now. I apologize,
  8. Except this did not warrant access to an emergency med. This situation was not even close. A med like vecuronium should not have the ability to be overridden.
  9. No. I do not believe that she should have it reinstated. She violated the very basics we learn in nursing school. (Rights of medication administration) 1. She overrode the pyxis (she should have asked someone when she couldn't find it) 2. She didn'...
  10. emergenceRN17

    Decisions decisions

    I couldn't agree more! I love it so much that I plan on getting my NP at some point to work better with surgeons. ?
  11. emergenceRN17

    Decisions decisions

    Couldn't agree with this more!! ?
  12. emergenceRN17

    Decisions decisions

    It really depends on what you like. OR is a different kind of nursing than floor nursing. If you're worried about burnout, I feel like floor nursing is a quicker burnout than OR (IMHO) only because you are caring for multiple patients at a time. The ...
  13. emergenceRN17

    Questions about OR fellowship?

    That's wonderful. I am a circulator but can definitely say that had I learned to scrub first, it would have made the understanding of circulating a bit easier. Try to do both if you can. You will be more marketable and it will help everything come t...
  14. emergenceRN17

    Questions about OR fellowship?

    Will you be both scrubbing and circulating?
  15. emergenceRN17

    What are medics doing in your ED?

    I am sure that it is different depending on the hospital system. In the field, medics can give almost 125 medications independently and do a few interventions that even us RN's can't do such as intubation, king tubes, cardiovert, pace. Medics do tho...